D2R 2.8 PvP Guide
17.04.2022 - 22:12:10
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Diablo 2 Resurrected and Leagacy PvP Guide
Player vs Player Builds & Strategy
Are you looking for a complete D2R guide to PvP? Then look no further. We have put together a hoard of knowledge that will take your game to the highest possible level.
Table of Contents
General Tips
Maximum Chance To Block
Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, Call To Arms & Spirit
Data Tables
General tables
Amazon tables
Assassin tables
Barbarian tables
Druid tables
Necromancer tables
Paladin tables
Sorceress tables
Lightning Javazon
Shape Shifter Rabies
Summoner/Bone Necro
Fist of the Heaven
Blizzard Sorceress
Fireball Sorceress
Lightning Sorceress
This Player vs Player guide is written for casual play and is a great introduction to PvP in general. We will not occupy ourselves with whether items are legit or not in this article because that is irrelevant for casual PvP. Chances are that the small number of people who are into legit PvP already know what they need to know. In the builds we have included some old bugged items that only exist on non ladder. However, we have the equivalent ladder items stated next to them. You can rest assured that ladder and non-ladder players will find equal value in this guide.
General Tips
Flexibility is everything in PvP. This is reflected in your choice of skills and items. Most builds you will see in this article are hybrids that use a very diverse set of skills. Flexibility between ranged and melee play is probably the single most important thing. Another flexibility issue is whether to boost the inherent power of your character or sacrificing some of that power for higher absorb and resistances, all depending on which kind of opponent you face. Seeing as you are guaranteed to face all kinds of opponents you will need a large selection of items at your disposal with emphasis on socketables, charms and rings/amulets. When you are up against opponents based on physical damage you should look at damage reduction (Ber) and faster block rate (Shael), while resistances (Um) and life (Jah) are preferable when figthing opponents based on elemental/poison damage. If your opponent does both kinds of damages you must compromise. There is also the matter of style and the most skilled players base their builds on dodging the opponents attacks and thus they can optimize their build for dealing as much damage as possible per time unit.
In this guide you will find general recommendations for equipments. Seeing as PvP is a very complex world, these recommendations will not fit every possible situation. You will have to push the margins yourself to whatever ends that you desire. To your help there are data tables for various break points included in a later chapter.
You want to maximize your Vitality because anything less than 'as much life as possible' is not good enough if you want to make a name for yourself. Strength is only for equipping items, putting stat points on energy is only for Sorceress with Energy Shield and putting points into dexterity normally only serves the purpose of maximum block 75% with shield. Seeing as you seek maximum life you must look for stats in items. You will need life from your skill charms and small charms if you are going to win a single duel and the more life the better. Maximum life for a skill charm is 45 and maximum for a small charm is 20. However, anything above 30 life for a skill charm and 18 for a small charm will do the job. Strength, Dexterity and Mana are also necessary to get from items because that means you can spend more stat points on vitality.
Maximum Chance To Block
The maximum chance to block with a shield is 75%. To reach this figure you need to spend stat points on dexterity. How much dexterity you need for maximum chance to block is decided by your character class, character level and the shield itself. The Paladin class requires the least dexerity, both due to its basic shield ability and the skill Holy Shield. To see your character's chance to block you need to open the character screen (c) and move the cursor unto the defense section.
Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, Call To Arms & Spirit
There are four basic components in this game that all builds need; namely the small unique charm Annihilus, the large unique charm Hellfire Torch and the runewords Call To Arms and Spirit. Annihilus and Hellfire Torch are extremely important sources of resistance, stats and skills while Call To Arms in combination with Spirit in a shield just about doubles your life/mana/stamina through Battle Command and Battle Orders. Seeing as this is such a basic part of playing Diablo 2 I will not mention it in the strategy section for each build. The procedure is very simple: Before you engage your opponent you swap to Call To Arms and Spirit, then cast Battle Command followed by Battle Orders and finish by swapping back to your primary weapon/shield.
Traditionally, mercenaries have not been considered essential in PvP. However, a number of new runewords from last Ladder season have changed the importance of mercenaries in PvP quite a bit. These new alternatives will be presented as well as their traditional counter parts.
Those who do physical damage should use one of the following two mercenary builds:
Act 2 Might Merc (Offensive on Nightmare difficulty): Pride Cryptic Axe as weapon, Bramble Archon Plate as body armor and Crown of Ages as helm socketed with 2 x Ber rune
Act 2 Might merc (Offensive on Nightmare difficulty): Breath of the Dying War Pike as weapon, Fortitude Archon Plate as body armor and Crown of Ages as helm socketed with 2 x 40/15ias jewels.
Those based on elemental or poison damage should use one of the following two mercenary builds:
Act 2 Holy Freeze Merc (Defensive on Nightmare Difficulty): Infinity Cryptic Axe as weapon, Bramble Archon Plate as armor and Dream Bone Visage as helm.
Act 1 Rogue: Windforce as weapon, 160/60ias gemmed armor and 120/45ias gemmed helm.
Data Tables
Increased Attack Speed (IAS), Faster Block Rate (FBR), Faster Hit Recovery (FHR), Faster Cast Rate (FCR) and Faster Run/Walk (FRW) are all very important in PvP and in order to optimize these values you must know the break points. There is no guarantee that an addition of 5 % will actually make your character recover faster/cast faster/block faster. The scales have very low resolution and you will need exponentially increasing amounts of % to reach the next point where your character is affected. The tables below will show how this works in detail. The data is to a large extent character class and item dependent.
General tables
Amazon tables
Assassin tables
Barbarian tables
Druid tables
Sorceress tables
Necromancer tables
Paladin tables
Energy: Nothing
Strength: To equip items only
Dexterity: Half the remaining stat points
Vitality: Half the remaining stat points
Minimum Character Level: 79 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Bow And Crossbow Skills: Magic Arrow 1, Cold Arrow 1, Multiple Shot 10, Guided Arrow 20.
Javelin and Spear Skills: Jab 1, Poison Javelin 1, Power Strike 1, Lightning bolt 1, Charged Strike 1.
Passive and Magic Skill: Inner Sight 1, Slow Missiles 1, Decoy 1, Valkyrie 1, Dodge 12+, Avoid 7+, Evade 12+, Critical Strike 16+, Penetrate 1, Pierce 1
Additional skill points: Dodge, Avoid, Evade and Critical Strike
Weapon (1st choice): Faith Grand Matron Bow with lvl 13 or higher Fanaticism Aura
Helm (1st choice):Artisan's Tiara of Speed (3 sockets / +30%frw) with 3 x 40/15ias jewels
Helm (2nd choice): 120/45ias Bone Visage
Body Armor: Fortitude Archon Plate
Swap (Against Melee): Titan's Revenge Ethereal and Whitstan's Guard socketed with Shael rune
Swap (Against Caster):Call To Arms Flail and Lidless Wall
Gloves: Athletic Gauntlets of Alacrity ( Magic gloves with +3 to Passive and magic Skills / 20%ias)
Boots: War Traveler
Belt (1st choice): Siggard's Stealth 1.08 *Bugged*
Belt (2nd choice): Nosferatu's Coil
Rings: Raven Frost 225+AR/20dex and Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
Amulet: Highlord's Wrath
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 20 x Fine Small Charm of Vita 3/xx/20, 5 x Shimmering Small Charm of Inertia 5res/5frw and the rest of inventory filled with poison charms, either Toxic Small Charm of Vita 100/20 or Toxic Small Charm of Anthrax 313.
Strategy: First cast Decoy and Valkyrie so that they take the hits instead of you. Then Shoot Guided Arrows at your opponent. Use Multiple Shot if he gets too far away or if you are dueling multiple opponents. If a melee opponent gets too close you should swap to Titan's Revenge and Whitstan's Guard in order to block and attack him with Jab or Charged Strike.
Lightning Javazon
Energy: Nothing
Strength: To equip items only.
Dexterity: For 75% Chance to Block with your shield unless you are using a 4 x 55 Monarch in which case you should not put any points into dexterity.
Vitality: All remaining points.
Minimum Character Level: 85 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Bow and Crossbow Skills: Nothing
Javelin And Spears skills: Jab 1, Power Strike 8+, Poison Javelin 1, Lightning Bolt 20, Charged Strike 20, Lightning Strike 20, Plague Javelin 1, Lightning Fury 20.
Passive and Magic Skills: Critical Hit 1, Penetrate 1, Avoid 1, Dodge 1, Evade 1.
Additional skill points: Power Strike
Helm: Griffon's Eye socketed with a 5/5 Lightning Rainbow Facet Jewel
Body Armor (vs caster): Chains of Honor Dusk Shroud / Archon Plate
Body Armor (vs melee): Enigma Dusk Shroud
Weapon: Titan's Revenge Ethereal
Shield (1st choice if you use Chains of Honor): Artisan's Troll Nest of Deflecting (3 sockets / 20% Increased Chance of Blocking / 30% Faster Block Rate magic shield) socketed with 3 x 5/5 Lightning Rainbow Facet jewel.
Shield (1st choice if you use Enigma): Jeweler's Monarch of Deflecting (4 sockets / 20% Increased Chance of Blocking / 30% Faster Block Rate magic shield) socketed with 4 x 5/5 Lightning Rainbow Facet jewel.
Shield (2nd choice): Stormshield socketed with a 5/5 Lightning Rainbow Facet jewel.
Shield (3rd choice): Monarch socketed with 4 x 5/5 Lightning Rainbow Facet jewel
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit
Gloves: Lancer's Gauntlets of Alacrity (+3 Javelin and Spear skills / 20ias magic gloves)
Boots: Waterwalk
Belt: Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Rings: Raven Frost 20dex and Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band.
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Javelin & Spear Skiller with 30+ life, 5 x Shimmering Small Charm of Inertia 5res/5frw and 5 x Shimmering Small Charm of Vita 20/5.
Strategy: Try to reach your opponent and hit him with Charged Strike and he will be finished in around 3 strikes. Use Lightning Fury for missile attacks. There is also a special trick known as Far Casting where you send out missile attacks with Charged Strike damage. To do this you must make a charged strike/ordinary throw/charged strike in rapid succesion (using hot keys) followed by right clicking your opponent. It takes some time to learn this trick.
Energy: Nothing
Strength: Nothing
Dexterity: For 75% Chance To Block if you are using a shield
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character Level: 75 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Traps: Fire Blast 1, Shock Web 20, Charged Bolt Sentry 20, Lightning Sentry 20, Death Sentry 20.
Shadow Disciplines: Claw Mastery 1, Weapon Block 1, Burst of Speed 1, Fade 1+, Mind Blast 1.
Remaining Points: Fade Helm: Harlequin Crest socketed with Cham rune
Body Armor: Enigma Mage Plate
Weapon (1st Choice): 2 x magic claw (preferably Greater Talons) with +3 to Traps / +3 Lightning Sentry/ 2 sockets with 2 x Scintillating Jewel of Fervor 15res/15ias
Weapon (2nd Choice): Heart of the Oak Flail
Shield (If you use Heart of the Oak): Whitstan's Guard socketed with Ber rune
Swap: Call To Arms and Spirit runeword
Boots: Waterwalk or Sandstorm Trek Ethereal
Gloves Magefist
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Rings: 2 x Stone of Jordan
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Traps Skiller with 30+ life, 10 x Shimmering Small Charm of Vita 20/5.
Strategy: A properly equipped and played Trapper is a very deadly character. Fill the territory close to your opponent with Lightning Sentry and cast Mind Blast to prevent him from running away. Use Shock Web for missile attacks. If your opponent has lightning absorb you can use Fire Blast instead.
Energy: Nothing
Strength: To equip items only
Dexterity: For 75 % Chance to Block
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character Level: 90 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Martial Arts:Dragon Talon 1, Dragon Claw 1, Dragon Tail 1, Dragon Flight 1.
Shadow Disciplines: Claw Mastery 5, Weapon Block 1, Shadow Warrior 1, Burst of Speed 1, Fade 1, Venom 20, Psychic Hammer 1, Cloak of Shadows 1, Mind Blast 1.
Traps: Fire Blast 1, Shock Web 20, Charged Bolt Sentry 20, Lightning Sentry 20, Death Sentry 5+.
Additional skill points:Death Sentry
Helm: Harlequin Crest socketed with Ruby Jewel of Virility 40/9Strength
Body Armor: Bramble Dusk Shroud with high bonus to poison damage.
Weapon1: Chaos Suwayyah with Dragon Flight, Venom and Mind Blast.
Weapon2 (vs caster): Fury Suwayyah with Dragon Flight, Venom and Mind Blast.
Shield (vs melee): Whitstan's Guard socketed with Shael rune
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit runeword.
Belt (1st choice): Siggard's Stealth 1.08 bugged
Belt (2nd choice): Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Gloves: Trang Oul's Claws or Dracul's Grasp
Boots: Shadow Dancer
Rings: Angelic Halo and Raven Frost 225+AR/20dex
Amulet: Angelic Wings
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Shadow Discipline Skillers with 30+ life and 10 x Shimmering Small Charm of Vita 20/5.
Strategy:Just like with Trapper you begin by casting Lightning Sentry around your opponent and Mind Blast to prevent him from escaping. You then try to reach him with Dragon Flight and finish the attack with Whirlwind. Note that your Whirlwind damage is rather insignificant and that your true damage will come from open wounds and poison.
Whirlwind Barbarian
Energy: Nothing.
Strength: To equip items only.
Dexterity: For 75% Chance to Block
Vitality All remaining points.
Minimum Character Level: 77 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Combat Skills: Bash 1, Leap 1, Leap attack 1, Stun 1, Concentrate 1, Whirlwind 20
Warcries: Howl 1, Shout 20, Battle Orders 20, Battle Command 1
Combat Masteries: Axe Mastery 20, Increased Stamina 1, Increased Speed 1+, Iron Skin 1+, Natural Resistance 1+.
Additional Skill Points: Iron Skin and Natural Resistance
Helm: Arreat's Face socketed with Ruby Jewel of Avarice 40/9dex.
Body Armor (1st choice): Enigma Archon Plate
Body Armor (vs melee): Fortitude Archon Plate
Weapon 1: Breath of the Dying ethereal Berserker Axe
Weapon 2 (1st choice): Beast Berserker Axe
Weapon 2 (vs Smiter and Amazon): Doom Berserker Axe
Shield (vs melee): Stormshield with Ruby Jewel of Avarice 40/9dex magic jewel
Swap: 2 x Heart of the Oak Flail
Belt (1st choice): Siggard's Stealth 1.08 bugged
Belt (2nd choice): Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Gloves: Dracul's Grasp
Boots Gore Rider
Amulet: Angelic Wings
Rings: Angelic Halo and Raven Frost 225+AR/20dex
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch and 37 x Fine Small Charm of Vita 3/20/20.
Strategy: A Whirlwind Barbarian can take down almost anything if played correctly. Cast Battle Command, Battle Orders and Shout for extreme amounts of life and defense, then teleport near your opponent and Whirlwind on him. If your Mana runs too low and your enemy is within reach you can attack with Concentrate instead.
*Skill Bonuses from Call to Arms are capped at 3 for Barbarian.
Energy: Nothing
Strength: To equip items only
Dexterity: For 75% Chance To Block
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character Level: 84 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Elemental: Arctic blast 1, Cyclone Armor 10+, Twister 20, Tornado 20, Hurricane 20
Summoning: Oak Sage 20, Raven 1, Spirit Wolf 1, Dire Wolf 1, Grizzly 1.
Shape Shifting: Nothing
Additional skill points: Cyclone Armor
Helm (1st choice): Rare Circlet with +2 to Druid skills, +20% fcr & strength/dexterity/life/mana/resistances
Helm (2nd choice): Harlequin Crest with Perfect Ruby
Body Armor: Enigma Dusk Shroud
Weapon: Heart of the Oak Flail
Shield (vs melee): Stormshield with Jah rune
Shield (vs caster): Spirit Monarch
Swap: Call to Arms Flail and Spirit Monarch
Gloves: Mage Fist or Trang-Oul's Claws
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Boots: rare boots with strength/dexterity/resistances or Sandstorm Trek Ethereal
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Rings (if you use circlet): 2 x stone of Jordan
Rings (if you use Harlequin Crest): 2 x Rare ring with 10% fcr & strength/dexterity/life/mana/resistances
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Elemental Skiller with 30+life and 10 x Shimmering Small Charm of Vita 20/5.
Strategy: First you cast Oak Sage, follow that up with Cyclone armor if your opponent does any elemental or poison damage, then cast Hurricane and finish by summoning a Grizzly as meat shield. Other than that just teleport yourself on top of your enemy and attack with Tornado.
Shape Shifter Rabies
Strength: To equip items only
Dexterity: For 75% Chance To Block
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character Level: 90 (With all 12 bonus Skill points)
Elemental: Nothing
Shape shifting: Werewolf 20, Lycantrophy 20, Feral Rage 1, Rabies 20.
strong>Summoning: Oak Sage 1+, Heart of Wolverine 20, Poison Creeper 20.
Additional skill points: Oak Sage
Helm:Jalal's Mane with Perfect Ruby
Body Armor: Enigma Dusk Shroud
Weapon (against caster 1st choice): Tomb Reaver Ethereal with Zod rune + 1 x 40/15ias jewel + 5/5 Poison Rainbow Facet
Weapon: (against melee): Griswold's Redemption with 2 x 40/15ias jewel + 2 x 5/5 Poison Rainbow Facet
Shield (against melee): Stormshield with Jah rune
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit Runeword
Gloves: Dracul's Grasp
Belt: Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Boots: Aldur's Advance
Amulet: Cat's Eye
Rings: Raven Frost 225+AR/20dex and Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Shapeshifting skillers 30+life and 10 x Shimmering Small Charm of Inertia 5res/5frw.
Strategy: Transform to werewolf, cast Heart of Wolverine and attack your opponent with Rabies. Bear in mind that you can not teleport in Werewolf Mode so Enigma is used for its other stats. Take note that Oak Sage might be more useful when playing with a team but when you solo Heart of Wolverine is the way to go. Table of Contents
Energy: Nothing
Strength: Nothing.
Dexterity: If you use Homunculus you should have dexterity for 75% chance to Block but if you use Dark Force Spawn or Spirit Monarch you should not spend any points here.
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character Level: 85 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Curses: Amplify Damage 1, Iron Maiden 1, Weaken 1, Terror 1, Decrepify 1
Poison and Bone Skills: Teeth 9+, Corpse Explosion 1, Bone Spear 20, Bone Spirit 20, Bone Armor 1+, Bone Wall 20, Bone Prison 20.
Summoning Skills: Clay Golem 1
Additional Skill points: Teeth and Bone Armor.
Helm (1st Choice) : Rare Circlet with +2 To Necromancer skills, 20% FCR, 20% FHR or FRW, 2 sockets and Strength/Mana/Life/resistances.
Helm (2nd Choice): Harlequin Crest socketed with perfect Ruby
Body Armor: Enigma Dusk Shroud
Weapon Heart of the Oak flail
Shield (If you use Circlet): Darkforce Spawn with 3 to Poison & Bone Skills socketed with Jah rune
Shield (If you use Harleqeuin Crest): Homunculus socketed with Ber rune
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit runeword
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Gloves: Trang-Oul's Claws
Boots (1st Choice): Rare boots with FRW, strength and resistances
Boots (2nd Choice): Sandstorm Trek Ethereal or Waterwalk
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Rings:2 x Stone of Jordan
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Poison & Bone Skiller with 30+ life and 10 x Serpent's Small Charm of Vita 20/17, alternatively 10 x Shimmering Small Charm of Vita 20/5.
Strategy: Bone Armor is necessary protection against all opponents who do physical damage. All opponents should be cursed with Decrepify. Bone Spirit and Bone Spear are main attacks. Use Bone Spear against teleporting opponents or very fast runners and Bone Spirit against the rest. The basic technique is to fill the entire battle field with Bone Spirit or Bone Spear and teleport away from your opponent's attacks. You can also curse opponents doing physical damage with Iron Maiden and then cast Bone Prison on them. You should use a Clay Golem as meat shield.
Energy: Nothing
Strength: To equip items only
Dexterity: For 75% Chance To Block
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character level: 82 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Poison and Bone Skills: Teeth 1, Corpse Explosion 1, Poison Dagger 20, Poison Explosion 20, Poison Nova 20.
Curses: Amplify Damage 1, Iron Maiden 1, Life Tap 1, Weaken 1, Terror 1, Decrepify 1, Lower Resist 20.
Summoning: Clay Golem 1, Blood Golem 1, Iron Golem 1, Fire Golem 1, Golem Mastery 1, Summon Resist 1.
Additional Skill Points: Lower Resist
Helm: Magic/Rare Circlet with Necro skill bonus, 20% faster cast rate and 2 sockets with 2 x 5/5 Poison Rainbow Facets
Body Armor: Bramble Dusk Shroud with high poison bonus
Weapon: Death's Web socketed with a 5/5 Poison Rainbow Facet Jewel
Shield: Homunculus socketed with a Ber rune
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit runeword
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Gloves: Trang Oul's Claws
Boots: Marrowwalk
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Rings: 2 x rare ring with 10% FCR, mana/strength/dexterity/life and Resistances
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Poison & Bone Skiller with 30+ life and 10 x Serpent's Small Charm of Vita 20/17, alternatively 10 x Shimmering Small Charm of Vita 20/5.
Strategy: Summon a Fire Golem as protection, curse your opponent with Lower Resist and then cast Poison Nova until he dies. You can also curse opponents doing physical damage with Iron Maiden and then cast Bone Prison on them.
Summoner/Bone Necro
Energy: Nothing
Strength: Nothing
Dexterity: For 75% Chance to Block
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character Level: 85 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Summoning Spells: Raise Skeleton 20, Skeleton Mastery 1, Raise Skeletal Mage 20, Clay Golem 1, Golem Mastery 1, Summon Resist 1
Poison & Bone Skills: Bone Armor 1, Bone wall 1, Bone Prison 3+, Teeth 1, Bone Spear 20, Bone Spirit 20.
Curses: Amplify Damage 1, Iron Maiden 1, Life Tap 1, Weaken 1, Terror 1, Decrepify 1, Lower Resist 1.
Additional Skill Points: Bone Prison
Helm: Harlequin Crest socketed with Ber rune
Armor: Enigma Mage Plate
Weapon: Beast Berserker Axe
Shield: Homunculus socketed with Ber rune
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit runeword
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Gloves: Trang-Oul's Claws
Boots: Marrowwalk with +2 Skeleton Mastery +20 Strength
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Rings: Stone of Jordan and rare ring with 10% FCR, Mana, Strength, Dexterity and Resistances
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Necro Summoning Skiller with 30+ life and 10 x Serpent's Small Charm of Vita 20/17, alternatively 10 x Shimmering Small Charm of Vita 20/5.
Strategy: A Summoner/Bone Necro is probably the most powerful build for PvP. Summon a Clay Golem, then teleport your way to as many monsters as possible and take them down quickly with Bone Spear. Raise as many Skeletons and Skeletal Mages as you can (50/50) and then seek out your opponent if he not already has found you. Curse him with Amplify Damage and Lower Resist and let your minions fight him while you fill the Battle Field with Bone Spear if you are up against a teleporter/fast runner and Bone Spirit otherwise. Always teleport yourself away from your opponents attacks. You will need Bone Armor if you are fighting an opponent doing physical damage. You can also curse opponents doing physical damage with Iron Maiden and then cast Bone Prison on them.
Table of Contents
Energy: Nothing
Strength: To equip items only
Dexterity: For 75% Chance To Block with Holy Shield activated.
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character Level: 82 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Combat Skills: Smite 1, Charge 20, Holy Bolt 1, Blessed Hammer 1, Holy Shield 5+.
Offensive Auras: Might 20, Concentration 1, Blessed Aim 1, Fanaticism 20.
Defensive Auras: Prayer 1, Cleansing 1, Defiance 1, Vigor 20.
Additional skill points: Holy Shield
Helm: Harlequin Crest with a Ruby Jewel of Avarice 40/9dex
Body Armor (vs caster): Chains of Honor Dusk Shroud.
Body Armor (vs melee): Fortitude Dusk Shroud
Weapon: Breath of the Dying ethereal Berserker Axe
Shield: Herald of Zakarum socketed with Um rune.
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit runeword
Belt (1st choice): Siggard's Stealth 1.08 bugged
Belt (2nd choice): Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Gloves: Dracul's Grasp
Boots: Gore Rider
Rings: Angelic Halo and Raven Frost 225+AR/20dex.
Amulet: Angelic Wings
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch and 37 x Fine Small Charm of Vita 3/20/20.
Strategy: The Crusader is very straight forward. Cast your Holy shield. Then use Fanaticism Aura and Charge into your opponent who will be knocked back upon impact. Then charge again and again. 2-3 Charges are normally enough to win. However, timing is everything. Do not charge a Hammerdin when his hammers are everywhere or a Whirlwind Barbarian when he is whirlwinding. To run with charge you need to assign it to the left skill and keep shift pressed while clicking at your destination. It is necessary to alternate between Vigor and Fanaticism when charging seeing as it takes such a heavy toll on your stamina.
Fist of the Heaven
Energy: Nothing
Strength: Nothing
Dexterity: For 75% Chance To Block with Holy Shield activated
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character Level: 78 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Combat Skills: Sacrifice 1, Zeal 1, Vengeance 1, Conversion 1, Holy Bolt 1, Blessed Hammer 1, Fist of Heavens 20, Smite 1+, Charge 1, Holy Shield 20.
Offensive Auras: Might 1, Blessed Aim 1, Concentration 1, Fanaticism 1, Holy Fire 1, Holy Freeze 1, Holy Shock 20, Thorns 1, Sanctuary 1, Conviction 13.
Defensive Auras: Salvation 1
Additional skill points: Smite
Helm: Griffon's Eye socketed with 5/5 Lightning Rainbow Facet
Body Armor: Enigma Dusk Shroud
Weapon: Scepter with 5 sockets and +3 Fist of the Heavens / +3 Conviction, socketed with 5 x 5/5 Lightning Rainbow Facet Jewel
Shield: Herald of Zakarum upgraded
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit runeword
Swap (alternative vs melee: Grief Phase Blade and Exile eth Vortex Shield 45 res
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Gloves: Dracul's Grasp
Boots: Waterwalk or Sandstorm Trek Ethereal
Rings: 2 x Bul-kathos' Wedding Band
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Paladin Combat Skiller with 30+ life and 10 x Fine Small Charm of Vita 3/20/20.
Strategy: A Fist of the Heaven Paladin is a very versatile character - capable of taking down both casters and melee fighters with ease. First cast Holy Shield, then use Fist of the Heavens with Conviction aura. If a melee opponent gets near you can switch to Smite and Fanaticism aura and Smite him until he dies or retreats in which case you can finish him with Fist of the Heavens and Conviction aura. For opponents with high lightning absorb, use Charge with Fanaticism to knock them off balance, then finish the job with Smite and Fanaticism. Charge can also be used together with Holy Freeze aura for running. To run around with charge you need to assign it to the left skill and keep shift pressed while clicking at your destination. Charging like this takes a heavy toll on your stamina so make sure to alternate to Vigor aura before you run dry.
Energy: Nothing
Strength: Nothing
Dexterity: Enough for 75% Chance To Block with Holy Shield activated.
Vitality: All remaining points.
Minimum Character Level: 77 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Combat Skills: Holy Bolt 1, Blessed Hammer 20, Smite 1, Charge 1, Holy Shield 1+
Offensive Auras: Might 1, Blessed Aim 20, Concentration 20
Defensive Auras: Prayer 1, Cleansing 1, Defiance 1, Vigor 20
Additional Skill Points: Holy Shield
Helm: Harlequin Crest socketed with a Ber rune.
Armor: Enigma Mage Plate
Shield: Herald of Zakarum socketed with Ber rune.
Weapon: Heart of the Oak Flail
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit runeword
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Gloves: Magefist
Boots (1st choice): Rare boots with strength, dexterity and resistances
Boots (2nd choice): Sandstorm Trek Ethereal
Rings: 2 x Stone of Jordan
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Paladin Combat Skiller with 30+ life and 10 x Shimmering Small Charm of Vita 20/5.
Strategy: Cast Holy Shield, teleport near your opponent, switch to Blessed Hammer & Concentration Aura and attack with opponent positioned at 10 o'clock. Do not let melee fighters get too close however. Always keep a safe distance to them by teleporting and fill the battle field with hammers.
Energy: Nothing
Strength: To equip items only
Dexterity: For 75% Chance To Block with Holy Shield activated
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character Level: 82 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Combat Skills: Smite 20, Charge 20, Holy Bolt 1, Blessed Hammer 1, Holy Shield 20
Offensive Auras: Might 1, Blessed Aim 1, Concentration 1, Fanaticism 20
Defensive Auras: Prayer 1, Cleansing 1, Defiance 5+, Vigor 1
Additional Skill points: Defiance
Helm: Crown of Ages (2 x Ber)
Body Armor: Enigma Archon Plate
Weapon: Grief Phase Blade
Shield: Exile ethereal Vortex Shield with 45 to all resistances
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit runeword
Belt: Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Gloves: Dracul's Grasp
Boots: Gore Rider
Rings: Raven Frost 20dex and Bul-Kathos's Wedding Band
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Paladin Combat Skiller with 30+ life and 10 x Shimmering Small Charm of Vita 20/5
Strategy: The Smiter is the king of PvP. He is very easy to play and rarely loses a duel. Simply use Smite with Fanaticism Aura as primary attack and Charge with Fanaticism aura as backup skills to intercept Runners and Teleporters. To run with charge you need to assign it to the left skill and keep shift pressed while clicking at your destination. Charging like this takes a heavy toll on your stamina so make sure to alternate to Vigor aura before you run dry.
Blizzard Sorceress
Energy: Nothing
Strength: To equip items only
Dexterity: for 75% Chance to Block (if using Whitstan's Guard or Visceratuant)
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character Level: 87 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Cold Spells: Frost Nova 1, Frozen Orb 1+, Ice Bolt 20, Ice Blast 20, Glacial Spike 20, Blizzard 20, Cold Mastery 10+, Frozen Armor 1, Shiver Armor 1, Chilling Armor 1.
Lightning Spells: Telekinesis 1, Teleport
Fire Spells: Warmth 1
Additional skill points: Frozen Orb and Cold Mastery
Helm: Nightwing's Veil socketed with a 5/5 Cold Rainbow Facet Jewel or Harlequin Crest socketed with perfect ruby
Body Armor: Ormus' Robes socketed with 5/5 Cold Rainbow Facet jewel or Skin of the Vipermagi socketed with perfect ruby
Weapon: Death's Fathom socketed with a 5/5 Cold Rainbow Facet Jewel
Shield (vs melee): Whitstan's Guard socketed with Jah rune or Visceratuant socketed with Jah rune
Shield (vs caster): Spirit Monarch
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit Monarch
Gloves: Magefist
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Boots: Sandstorm Trek Ethereal
Amulet: Rare Amulet with +2 sorceress skill, 10+% fcr & strength/life/mana/resistances
Rings: 2 x Stone of Jordan
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Sorceress Cold Skiller 30+ life and 10 x Shimmering Small Charm of Vita 20/5 or 10 x Serpent's Small Charm of Vita 20/17.
Strategy: This build is very hot for pvp right now. Cast Chilling Armor, then fill the battle field with Blizzard and Ice Blast. Cast Ice Blast while Blizzard is recharging. If a melee opponent comes too close you teleport somewhere else.
FireBall Sorceress
Energy: 200
Strength: To equip items only
Dexterity: For 75% Chance to Block (if using Whitstan's Guard or Visceratuant)
Vitality: All remaining points.
Minimum Character Level: 79 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Cold Spells: Nothing
Lightning Spells: Static Field 1, Charged Bolt 1, Lightning 1, Chain Lightning 1, Telekinesis 1+, Teleport 1, Energy Shield 1+
Fire Spells:Warmth 1, Inferno 1, Blaze 1, Fire Wall 1, Fire Bolt 20, Fire Ball 20, Meteor 20, Fire Mastery 20.
Additional skill points: Telekinesis and Energy Shield
Helm: Harlequin Crest with perfect ruby
Body Armor: Ormus' Robes with 5/5 Fire Rainbow Facet Jewel or Skin of the Vipermagi with perfect ruby
Weapon: Eschuta's Temper with 5/5 Fire Rainbow Facet Jewel or Wizard Spike with 5/5 Fire Rainbow Facet Jewel
Shield (vs melee): Whistan's Guard or Visceratuant with Jah rune
Shield (vs caster): Spirit Monarch
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit Monarch
Gloves: Magefist
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Boots: Sandstorm Trek ethereal
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Rings: 2 x Stone of Jordan
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Sorceress Fire Skiller 30+ life and 10 x Serpent's Small Charm of Vita 20/17 or 10 x Shimmering Small Charm of Vita 20/5.
Strategy: Cast Energy Shield, then teleport near your opponent and attack with Fire Ball. Always keep the distance to melee fighters by teleporting.
Lightning Sorceress
Strength: To equip items only
Dexterity: For 75% Chance To Block (if using Whitstan's Guard or Visceratuant)
Vitality: All remaining points
Minimum Character Level: 84 (with all 12 bonus skill points)
Cold Spells: Nothing
Lightning Spells:Telekinesis 1+, Teleport 1, Static field 1, Nova 20, Charged Bolt 10+, Lightning 20, Chain Lightning 20, Energy Shield 1+, Lightning Mastery 20.
Fire Spells: 1 Warmth
Additional skill points:Max out Charged Bolt at Clvl 94 and spend the last points on Energy Shield and Telekinesis.
Helm: Griffon's Eye with 5/5 Lightning Rainbow Facet Jewel or Harlequin Crest with perfect ruby
Body Armor: Ormus' Robes with 5/5 Lightning Rainbow Facet Jewel or Skin of the Vipermagi with perfect ruby
Weapon: Eschuta's Temper with 5/5 Lightning Rainbow Facet Jewel Or Wizard Spike with the same jewel
Shield (vs melee): Whitstan's Guard with Jah rune or Visceratuant with Jah rune
Shield (vs caster): Spirit Monarch
Swap: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit runeword
Gloves (vs melee): Frostburn
Gloves (vs caster): Magefist
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Boots: Sandstorm Trek ethereal
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Rings: 2 x Stone of Jordan
Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, 9 x Sorceress Lightning Skiller with 30+ Life and 10 x Serpent's Small Charm of Vita 20/17.
Strategy: This build focuses on lots of mana for energy shield which is good against melee opponents. First you activate Energy Shield and then you cast Lightning at your opponent. Chain Lightning can be used when dueling multiple opponents. Keep distance to melee opponents by teleporting.
If you decide not to farm for hundreds of hours, you can quickly buy runes from our D2R Store.