D2R Glossary

28.11.2022 - 07:25:46
D2R Gameplay Guides , Diablo 2: Resurrected , Game Guides

D2R Glossary

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Diablo 2 Acronyms

@ (followed by a number in trade posts like @45) - All Resistances

A1/5 - Act 1 up to 5

Andy - Andariel

Ar - Attack Rating

Baal Run - A game to farm Baal's Throne Room and/or Baal boss.

Bugged item - An item with mods that it shouldn't have, created by a server glitch or an hack.

Bumper - A character that needs Baal quest and can enter the Worldstone Chamber to get a leecher the Baal quest and go to the next difficulty.

Cb - Crushing Blow

Cbf - Cannot Be Frozen

Chaos Run - A game to do Chaos Sanctuary runs.

Char - Character

C/i - Connection Interrupted

Clvl - Character Level

Cr - Cold Resistance

Crush/C-Rush - “Classic Rush”, getting a new classic character from normal act 1 difficulty to hell a3 difficulty, (classic got no act 5 so no bumper required).

Cs - Chaos Sanctuary

Cs (weapon context) - Critical Strike

Ctc - Chance To Cast

Cube - Horadric cube

D - Diablo

Dmg - Damage

Dr - Damage Reduction/reduced

Ds - Deadly Strike

Duped - An item that has been duplicated by a hack or server glitch

Duri - Duriel

EBug/E-Bug - "Ethereal Bug", socketing ethereal item using a cube recipe to give it 1.5x more defense than it originally had (fixed in Diablo 2 Resurrected).

Ed - Enhanced Damage

Eth - Ethereal Item

Eq - Equipment

Exp - Experience

Fcr - Faster Cast Rate

Fhr - Faster Hit Recovery

Flashing - Benifiting from two auras simultaneously by switching at the correct moment.

Fpa - Frames Per Attack

Fps - Frames Per Second

Fr - Fire Resistance

Frw - Faster Run Walk

Ftj - Failed To Join

Ftjg - Failed To Join Game

Ft5 - First to five (First person to reach 5 wins in a duel)

GF - Gold Find

GFull/G-Full - "Glitched Full" a game on Battle.Net that the hosting server thinks is full when it really isn't, solution is to wait a bit and hope it works.

Gg - Good Game

Gn - Gamename

Grush/G-Rush - “Glitched Rush" expansion character from normal act 1 to hell act 5 difficulty with a bumper.

Good/Perm - An item that has been duped prior to patch 1.10 and now has its own identification number.

Hbt - Hit Blinds Target

Hc - Hardcore

Hcl - Hardcore Ladder

HLD - High Level Dueling

Ias - Increased Attack Speed

Id - Identity

Igg - In Game Gold

Ilvl - Item Level

ITD - Ignore target defense

Izzy - Izual

Kb - Knock Back

Leg - Wirt's Leg

Leecher - Term used for a player who gains experience and possibly swipes items without actually contributing to the battle.

Legit - An item which is one of a kind, and has never been duplicated, based on its identification number.

Ll - Life Leach

LLD - Low Level Dueling

Login Error (#) - Error message received when account/cd-key has been banned.

Lpl - Life Per Level

Lr - Lightning Resistance

Mb - Max Block

Meph - Mephisto

Meta - Most Effective Tactics Available

Mf - Magic Find

Mfsc - Magic Find Small Charm

Ml - Mana Leach

MLD - Mid Level Dueling

Mlvl - Monster Level

Mpl - Mana Per Level

Mule - A character specifically made to hold spare items in his inventory and stash.

Ng - New Game

Nox/Classic - Diablo 2 Non Expansion

Os - Open Sockets

Ow - Open Wounds

Pi - Physical immune

Pindle - Pindleskin

Pk - Player Killer

Plain - Referred to charms with only 1 stat

PnB - Poison and Bone

Popping - The loss of currently equipped items upon dying.

Pp - Party Please

Pr - Poison Resistance

Psn - Poison

Pvm - Player Versus Monster

Pvp - Player Versus Player

Rad/Rada - Radament

R/d - Realm Down 

Res - Resistance

Rw - Rune Word

Sc - Softcore

Scam - Term referring to tricking or deceiving other players of items, wealth, account, etc.

Scl - Softcore Ladder

Sp - Single player

Spdc - Small Poison Damage Charm

Staff - Staff of Kings

Synergy - Passive bonuses received from points spent in synergy skills.

Tanking - Character with strong defensive capabilities who faces enemies and keeps them busy, surviving through all sorts of attack.

TC - Treasure Class

Tg - Town Guarding

Th - Town Hugging

Tk - Town Kill

Tp - Town Portal

Tppk - Town Portal Player Killer

Unid - Unidentified

Upd/Upped - An item that has been upgraded via cube recipe.

Ut - Über Tristram

Viper - Claw Viper Temple

Wp - Waypoint

Wsg - Weapon Switch Glitch

Wsm - Weapon Speed Modifier

Xpac - Diablo 2 Expansion Pack

ZBug/Z-Bug - "Zod Bug", reference to a bug where removing a zod would make the indestructible mod stay, fixed in D2R.




Aa - Ancient Armor

Ali - Ali Baba Unique Sword

Andys - Andariel's Visage Helm

Anni - Annihilus Small Charm

Ap - Archon Plate

Arach - Arachnid Mesh Spiderweb Sash

Ba - Berserker Axe

Baba - Ali Baba Unique Sword

Bk Ring - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band Ring

Botd - Breath of the Dying Runeword

Cb - Colossus Blade

Chips - Chipped Gem(s)

Coa - Crown of Ages

Coh - Chains of Honor Runeword

Cot - Crown of Thieves

Cta - Call To Arms Runeword

Db - Dimensional Blade

Deli - Delirium Runeword

Df - Death's Fathom

Doom - Doombringer Runeword

Ds - Dusk Shroud

Dungos - Verdungo's Hearty Cord belt

Dw/Dweb/D-Web - Death's Web

Eagle - Eaglehorn

Edc - Ethereal Death Cleaver

Eni - Enigma ( Runeword )

Eth - Ethereal unless they mean the rune

Facets - Rainbow Facet Unique Jewel

Fbb - Fury Balrog Blade

Ffk - Fury Fanged Knife

Fort/Forty - Fortitude (Runeword)

Fpm - Full Plate Mail

Gaze - Vampire Gaze

Gc - Grand charm

Gf - Goldfind/Grandfather Unique

Gheed’s - Gheed’s Fortune Grand Charm

Gmb - Grand Matron Bow

Gores - Gorerider Boots

Gris - Griswold's Set Piece

Hoj - Hands Of Justice Runeword

Homo/Homu - Homunculus

Hoto - Heart of the Oak Runeword

Hots - Hotspur's

Hoz - Herald of Zakarum Unique Paladin Shield

Hr - High Rune

Ik - Immortal King set piece

JMoB - Jeweler's Monarch of Blocking

JMoD - Jeweler's Monarch of Deflecting

JMoM - Jeweler's Monarch of the Mammoth

Juv - Rejuvenation Potion

JWoB - Jeweler's Ward of Blocking

JWoD - Jeweler's Ward of Deflecting

Levi - Leviathan

Lg - Large Charm

Lp - Light Plate

Ls - Lightsabre

Lw - Last Wish (Runeword)

Maras - Mara's Kaleidoscope Amulet

Mat Bow - Matriarchal Bow

Mavs - Mavina's set pieces

Mp - Mage Plate

Nats - Natalya's set pieces

Nw - Nightwing Unique

Occy - The Oculus Unique

Op - Ornate Plate/Overpowered

Pb - Phase Blade

Rbf - Rainbow Facet

Pgem - Perfect Gem(s)

Ptop/pt - Perfect Topaz

Sa - Sacred Armor

Sc - Small Charm

Shaft - Shaftstop

Shako - Harlequin Crest Shako (although very bad habit as Shako is the base version and this lead to countless misunderstandings while trading)

Sigs - Sigon's Set Pieces

Silks - Silkweave Mesh Boots

Skiller - Grand Charm With + To Skill Tree

Soj - Stone of Jordan Ring

Strings - String of Ears Belt

SS - Stormshield

Tals - Tal Rasha's Set Pieces

Tg/Tgods/T-gods - Thundergods Vigor Unique Belt

Tm - Thunder Maul

Torch - Hellfire Torch Large Charm

Trangs - Trang-Oul's Set Pieces

Travs/Wt - War Traveler Boots

Treks - Sandstorm Trek Boots

TStroke/T-Stroke - Thunderstroke Matriarchal Javelin

Tucs - Bartuc's Greater Talons

Valor - Arkaine's Valor Balrog Skin

Waters/Wws - Waterwalk's

Wf - Windforce/Wire Fleece

Widow - Widowmaker




Small Charms


20/5 - 20 Life, 5 All Resist 

20/11 - 20 Life, 11 Specific Resistance

20/17 - 20 Life, 17 Mana 

5/5 - 5 All Resist, 5% Faster Hit Recovery 

5/3 or 20/3 - 5 All Resist or 20 Life, 3% Faster Run/Walk

3/20/20 - 3 Maximum damage, 20 Attack Rating, 20 Life

3/20/5 - 3 Maximum damage, 20 Attack Rating, 5% Faster Hit Recovery

3/20/3 - 3 Maximum damage, 20 Attack Rating, 3% Faster Run/Walk

3/20/2 - 3 Maximum damage, 20 Attack Rating, 2 Strength/Dexterity

290 - 290 Poison Damage Small Charm

313 - 313 Poison Damage Small Charm

451 - 451 Poison Damage Small Charm


40/15 Ias - 40% Enhanced Damage, 15% Increased Attack Speed 

40/15 Max/Min - 40% Enhanced DDamage, 15 Maximum/Minimum Damage

40/-15 - 40% Enhanced Damage, -15% Requirements 

40/9 - 40% Enhanced Damage 9 Strength/Dexterity

20/15 - 20 Life, 15 All Resist

15/15 - 15 Increased Attack Speed, 15 All Resist/-15% Requirement

15/9 - 15 All Resist, 9 Strength/Dexterity

15/7 - 15 All Resist, 7% Faster Hit Recovery

5/5 - +5%/-5% - Rainbow Facet Unique


Skills & Builds:


Ama - Amazon

Amp - Amplify Damage

Assa/Ass/Asn - Assassin

Avenger - A Paladin using Vengeance, Conviction or Fanaticism.

Auradin - Paladin build running multiple auras at once through items or stacking one high level aura through Runewords.

Barb/Baba - Barbarian

Bc - Battle Command

Bear/classname - Build using Beast Runeword to transform into a Bear

Blizz - Blizzard, owners of Diablo franchise, or the Sorceress Skill.

Bo - Battle Orders

Boner - Necro using Spear/Spirit as its main form of offense.

Bos - Burst of Speed

Bowazon/Bowa - Zon using the Bow as its main form of offense.

Bs - Bone Spear/Bone Spirit

BvA - Barbarian versus All

BvB - Barbarian versus Barbarian

BvC - Barbarian versus Caster

Bw - Bone Wall

Cb - Charged Bolt

Ce - Corps Explosion

Charger/Chargadin - Paladin build that relies on Charge in PvP.

Conc - Concentrate

Cookie Cutter - Popular powerfull builds often easy to play with high damage output.

Decrep - Decrepify

DreamSorc - Sorceress using Dream runewords

Dudu - Druid

DvD - Druid versus Druid

Ele Dudu - Druid using Elemental Skills as main damage source.

Ench - Enchantment

Ench Sorc - Melee Sorceress using Enchant build

Es - Energy Shield

Fa - Freezing Arrow/Fire Arrow

Fanat - Fanaticism

Fb - Fireball

Fo - Frozen Orb

Foh - Fist of Heavens

Ga - Guided Arrow

Hammerdin/Hdin - Paladin build focused around Blessed Hammer buffed by Concentration

Hf - Holy Freeze

Hs - Holy Shield/Holy Shock

Java/Javazon - Amazon builds using Javelin

Kicksin - Assassin using Martial Arts kicks

Martyr - Paladin build which uses Sacrifice

Multi - Multiple Shot

Necro/Nek/Nec - Necromancer

NvN - Necromancer versus Necromancer

Pala/Pally - Paladin

PitZerker - Barbarian Build horking and using Berserk to farm the Pit.

Psn Necro - Necro using Poisen Nova as main form of offense.

Ranger - Paladin build using a Bow.

Shapeshifter/Wolf Druid - Druid relying on Shapeshifting Skills as its main form of offense.

Smiter/Smite - Paladin using Smite as main form of offense.

Sorc - Sorceress

SvS - Sorceress versus Sorceress / Smiter versus Smiter

Tele - Teleport

Trapper - Assassin using Traps as main damage skills.

Ts - Thunder Storm

Valk - Valkyrie

Vive - Revive

Wc - Warcry

Wof - Wake of Fire

Woi - Wake of Inferno

Ww - Whirlwind

Wwsin / Ww Assa - Assassin using Whirlwind from Chaos claw Runeword

Zeal Bug - When a Paladin using the Zeal Skills misses with his first strike, none of the others hit the target.

Zealot - Paladin using Zeal as his main form of offense.

Zerker - Barbarian using Berserk

Zoomancer/Summoner - Necromancer using Summons as its main form of offense.

Zookeeper - Druid using Summons as part of its offense.

Zon - Amazon



Internet Slang:

Acc - Account

Afaik - As Far As I Know

Afk - Away From Keyboard

Aka - Also Known As

Atm - At The Moment

Bbl - Be Back Later

Bg - Background

Bin - Buy It Now

Bka - Better Known As

Brb - Be Right Back

Brt - Be Right There

Bs - Bullsh*t

Btw - By The Way

Cya - See You Around

C/o - Current Offer

Diso - Desperately In Search Of

Dm - Direct Message

DL - Dead Line

D/w - Don't Worry

Fs - For Sale

Ft - For Trade/Fast Trade

Ftw - For The Win

Fyi - For Your Information

Gfy - Good For You

Gg - Good Game

Gl - Good Luck

Gz - Congratulations

Idk - I don't know

IGN - In Game Name

Iirc - If I recall/remember correctly

Imho - In My Honest/Humble Opinion

Imo - In My Opinion

I/O - Input/Output

Iso - In Search Of

K - OK

Lf - Looking For

Lmao - Laughing My Ass Off

Lmk - Let Me Know

Lol - Laughing Out Loud

Ltb - Looking To Buy

Lts - Looking To Sell

Lyk - Let You Know

Nfs - Not For Sale

Nft - Not For Trade - Non Fungible Token

Noob/Newb - A New User

Np - No Problem

Nvm - Nevermind

Ofc - Of Course

Omg - Oh My God

OP - Original Poster

Op - Overprice/Orginal Poster/overpowered

Os - Operating System

O/t - Off Topic

Pass/pw - Password

Pc - Price Check/Personal Computer

Pm - Private Message

Rofl - Rolling On Floor Laughing

Spam - Unnecessary repetitive threads or posts

S/s - Screenshot

Tba - To Be Announced

Tbh - To Be Honest

Tft/T4t - Thanks For Trade/Thanks For That

Tfw/T4w - Thanks for warning

Thx - Thanks

Tl;Dr - Too Long; Didn’t Read

T/o - Top Offer

Ty - Thank You

Tysm - Thank You So Much

Tyvm - Thank You Very Much

Vouch - To give personal assurances

Wb - Welcome Back

Wtb - Want To Buy

Wts - Want To Sell

Y/n - Yes/No

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