OSRS Firecape: How We Do It

12.01.2015 - 17:07:05
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS Minigames , OSRS PvM , Runescape

OSRS Firecape: How We Do It

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The Firecape is the most elite cape attainable in Oldschool Runescape, requiring immense skill and patience to achieve. Only the best of the best are worthy of wearing it.

Completing all 63 waves of the The TzHaar Fight Caves and defeating the “Jad” without dying can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours—assuming that you don’t die. The minigame requires a multitude of strategies and tactics for each wave, as well as flawless reactions for the fight against the Jad in order to avoid a 1 hit K.O.

Our in-house team of professional gamers include masters of the minigame, having completed thousands of successful runs and provided Firecapes to hundreds of satisfied customers. They are capable of completing the minigame first time, every time, providing you with your Firecape quickly and cheaply. Why struggle for days learning the intricacies of the minigame and wasting millions in resources when you can have a professional gamer do it for you in couple of hours?

Provided that you meet the minimum requirements set below and have the food, potions and items needed to complete a run of the minigame, one of our trusted professionals will complete the Fight Caves on your account and leave your Firecape ready and waiting in your inventory. You can then wear it with pride and enjoy the strongest combat cape in the game.

We offer the following OSRS Firecape Packages

 Minimum Stats ETA, hours Required Items
 70 Ranged
40 Defence
50 HP
43 Prayer
 3-8Coif or Mitre or Archers or Neit or Robin Hat
Black Dhide Set
Snakeskin Boots
Glory or Fury
Avas or Cloak or Obby Cape

Karils Crossbow, 3000 Bolt Racks
17 x Super Restore Potion (4), 4 x Range Potion (4), 7 x Saradomin Brew (4)
 70 Ranged
1 Defence
50 HP
43 Prayer

Coif or Mitre or Robin Hat
Black Dhide Legs
Black Dhide Vambs
Monk Robe,
Climbing or Leather Boots
Glory or Fury
Avas or Cloak or Obby Cape
Karils crossbow, 3000 bolt racks
17 x Super Restore Potion (4), 4 x Range Potion (4), 7 x Saradomin Brew (4)
300 x Purple Sweets

60 Ranged
40 Defence
50 HP
43 Prayer

Coif or Mitre or Robin Hat
Dhide Set
Snakeskin Boots
Glory or Fury
Avasor Cloakor Obby Cape
Magic Shortbow, 4000 x Rune Arrows
17 x Super Restore Potion (4), 4 x Range Potion (4), 7 x Saradomin Brew (4)

 60 Ranged
1 Defence
50 HP
43 Prayer
 3-12Coif or Mitre or Archers or Neit or Robin Hat
Red Dhide Legs
Red Dhide Vambs
Monk Robe
Climbing or Leather Boots
Glory or Fury
Avasor Cloak or Obby Cape
Magic Shortbow, 4000 x Rune Arrows
16 x Super Restore (4), 4 x Range Potion (4), 7 x Saradomin Brew (4)
400 x Purple Sweets
  50 Ranged
40 Defence
50 HP
43 Prayer

 Blue Dhide Set
Snakeskin Boots
Glory or Fury
Avas or Cloak
Magic Shortbow, 5000 x Rune Arrows
17 x Super Restore (4), 4 x Range Potion (4), 7 x Saradomin Brew (4)

 50 Ranged
1 Defence
50 HP
43 Prayer

 3-12Coif or Mitre or Archers or Neit or Robin Hat
Blue Dhide Legs
Blue Dhide Vambs
Monk Robe
Climbing or Leather Boots
Glory or Fury
Avas or Cloak or Obby Cape

Magic Shortbow, 5000 x Rune Arrows
16 x Super Restore Potion (4), 4 x Range Potion (4), 7 x Saradomin Brew (4)
500 x Purple Sweets


Check out our Ultimate OSRS Money Making Guide

If you do not want to run around forums and chase items on grand exchange, we offer for your convinience Firecape Items Packages here>>>. So you can not only buy all required items in one go but also keep them after service is done (except of pots, food and arrows of course). You can choose between Minimum (minimum stats items) and Elite VIP (best items so your character will be loaded with great items after the service).

What you need to do and know before placing Firecape order with us: 

  • Make sure you have met minimum requirements for the service to be started
  • Get items we require to complete your service or buy package here (you will need to login and help us to transfer your items after purchase).
  • Disable account guardian to prevent your account from being locked while one of our professionals is servicing your order from another location. 
  • Change your account password for something temporary for extra safety.
  • Your bank pin is not needed if you have the required items ready to use in your inventory and stashed in your quick-access chest. If you bought items from us you will need to accept them on your account.

Important: You are not allowed to log into your account until you receive a confirmation email that your order has been completed, stating that your Firecape is waiting for you in your inventory.
If you attempt to log into your account while your order is being processed, it could result in your account being automatically locked, preventing the order from being completed.

We have been in the Runescape business since 2004 and still have returning customers who have been with us from the very beginning. We go to extreme lengths to ensure that you get your order securely processed and delivered.

You can also check our Facebook fan base, Bizrate reviews, and eBay feedback—all of which add testimony to our quality of service and transparency.

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12.05.2017 - 20:09:06

great service gotten multiple from them


18.11.2016 - 19:33:28

very quick f cape only took 3 hours on me acc thanks for the service


17.04.2016 - 17:53:10

What about the authenticator?


06.09.2015 - 21:30:05

Very fast, trustable, great service.

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