Blox Fruits Leviathan Guide: How To Summon And Farm

07.03.2025 - 02:25:26
Blox Fruits , Game Guides , Roblox

Blox Fruits Leviathan Guide: How To Summon And Farm

Jonas Author
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The Roblox Blox Fruit Leviathan is currently one of the hardest challenges that the game has to offer. Found in the Third Sea, this boss is just as tricky to summon as it is to fight. If you’re struggling to fight, let alone find this giant, you’ve come to the right place as we’ve got a complete guide for it.

You’re going to need good fruits, gear, and a ton of patience for the Leviathan boss fight. We suggest investing in affordable Roblox Robux so that you can get a competitive advantage without ever breaking a sweat.

How to Summon the Leviathan in Blox Fruits – The Fastest Way

If you're looking to summon the Leviathan in Blox Fruits as quickly as possible, there are five common mistakes you need to avoid. Many players unknowingly make these errors, which drastically reduce their chances of successfully finding and spawning the Leviathan.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of Leviathan spawning locations and how to find it effortlessly.

The First and Most Common Mistake: Inviting a Beast Hunter

One of the biggest mistakes players make is bringing a Beast Hunter along for the hunt. While it might seem like a good idea, most of the time, the Beast Hunter is on cooldown.

If the Beast Hunter is also the one driving the boat, your chances of spawning the Leviathan become almost zero. This is because their presence affects the mechanics of the spawn, making it significantly harder to trigger the event.

Second Mistake: Using Too Many Boats and Players

You only need one boat with six players—that's it. Having more players than necessary complicates things and makes the process more difficult. Additionally, make sure everyone in the group is at max level and not currently on cooldown. Players who are still on cooldown won't contribute to the spawn rate and can slow down the entire process.

Third Mistake: Avoid Players With Monster Magnets

Players who carry Monster Magnets can make your hunt much harder. These items attract too many Terror Sharks, making it incredibly challenging to keep the boat safe.

Many players end up dying during sea events because of this, forcing the entire team to start over from scratch. To maximize your chances of a smooth Leviathan encounter, avoid having Monster Magnet users in your group.

Fourth Mistake: Sailing Too Far

A Leviathan usually spawns after you’ve sailed about 5,000 meters at level six. If you don’t see it after reaching this distance, don’t keep going further.

Instead, reset and try again. Many players waste time by continuing to sail aimlessly, but this only makes it harder to track down the Leviathan. By resetting and restarting at the right distance, you’ll save yourself time and effort.

Fifth Mistake: Not Letting the Server Age

For better Leviathan spawn chances, your server should run for at least two hours. While the Spy NPC might say that the Leviathan is out, it won’t actually appear if your server is brand new. If you just started on a fresh server, be patient and let the server age.

After about two hours, your chances of encountering the Leviathan will increase significantly. This takes time but it’s very effective.

Leviathan usually won’t spawn on the first try, so don’t give up too soon. Try at least two to three times without losing hope. Also, remember to follow the big rocks and keep going straight—this will help keep you on the right track.

How to Start the Leviathan Quest in Blox Fruits

Now that you know how to maximize your chances of summoning the Leviathan, it's time to begin the Leviathan Quest itself. This part of the guide will walk you through how to start the quest, what you need to do, and how to find the Frozen Dimension island where the battle takes place.

Before proceeding with this quest, make sure to have powerful fruits like the Roblox Dragon Fruit because the quest and the boss fight ahead are going to be difficult.

To start the quest, you’ll need to speak with a specific NPC. When interacting with him, you will be given two options:

  1. Origin
  2. Clues

You need to select Clues—the Origin option is irrelevant and doesn't contain anything useful. The NPC will then give you a series of cryptic messages, most of which won't make much sense at first. He’ll say things like:

“Oh, I haven’t heard a thing…”

This is just filler dialogue, and to proceed, you’ll need to bribe him using Fragments.

Unfortunately, bribing him costs Fragments, and it isn’t cheap. The first time you bribe him, it will cost 1,500 Fragments, but don’t expect to get the message you need right away. Instead, he will likely say something completely useless, such as:

“I haven’t heard a thing. It’s quiet.”

This means you need to bribe him again. As you continue paying, the messages will start to change slightly. One of the messages might say:

“Some citizens claim they heard something strange… I doubt it, though.”

This is progress, but you’ll need to keep bribing him multiple times. The number of times varies between 1 to 10 times—there is no set number, as it’s completely random.

Eventually, after spending enough Fragments, you will receive the crucial message:

“The Leviathan is out there… go stop it before it causes destruction!”

Once you see this message, it means the Frozen Dimension island has spawned, marking the beginning of the real challenge.

Finding the Frozen Dimension Island

Now that the Frozen Dimension has appeared, the real test begins—finding it. This is one of the hardest parts of the entire process because nobody knows exactly where it will spawn. It always generates very far away, making it difficult to locate.

To reach the Frozen Dimension, you’ll need a sturdy boat. It’s highly recommended to use one of the larger, high-health boats, especially if it has flight capabilities. These boats offer more durability, which is crucial for survival in the dangerous waters ahead.

To find the Frozen Dimension, you need to sail past Tiki Island and enter the Danger Zone. When navigating, your Compass will indicate your current location. At first, you’ll be in Danger Zone 0, but your goal is to reach Danger Zone 6.

The Frozen Dimension is a very dangerous area in the game. Make sure to prepare with the best top-tier Blox Fruits at your disposal for this.

How to Know You’re in the Right Place

  • The Frozen Dimension ONLY spawns in Danger Zone 6.
  • If you’re not in Zone 6, the island will not appear.
  • The area will become very dark and eerie, with question marks appearing on the map.

At this point, visibility becomes extremely low, making it even harder to find the island. This is what makes this quest one of the hardest in Blox Fruits—it requires patience, strategy, and persistence.

Once you arrive in Zone 6, the real challenge begins. This is where the Leviathan hunt truly starts. It takes hours to locate, and many players struggle to pinpoint the exact location of the Frozen Dimension.

Hunting the Leviathan

After an intense journey tracking down the Frozen Dimension, the moment of truth has arrived—facing the Leviathan itself. This is one of the hardest raid bosses in Blox Fruits, and taking it down requires teamwork, strategy, and persistence. Here’s how the battle unfolds and what you need to do to secure victory.

After what feels like an eternity of searching, the Leviathan finally emerges. The sheer size of this monster is overwhelming, and now it’s time to figure out how to take it down.

To effectively take down the Leviathan, you need a balanced build that provides high damage output, good survivability, and efficient mobility.

Fighting Style:

  • Sanguine Art – This is the best fighting style for Leviathan hunting due to its fast M1 attacks and high burst damage. If it’s your first time fighting the Leviathan and you don’t have it, use another high-tier fighting style.

Fruit Choice:

  • Magma Fruit – The best Blox Fruit for Leviathan fights.
  • At minimum, you need the Z move awakened with stat points allocated to Fruit.
  • Even if you don’t have all the weapons listed below, Magma Fruit alone is enough to make a huge difference.


  • Soul Guitar – The best gun for range damage and crowd control.
  • Cursed Dual Katana – A powerful melee weapon that deals high burst damage in close-range combat.

Race Recommendation:

  • Shark Race – The best race for sea events, allowing you to take reduced water damage and avoid being stunned by waves.

Stat Distribution:

  • Max Melee – Essential for high damage output with Sanguine Art.
  • Max Defense – Ensures survivability, preventing one-shot kills from the Leviathan’s abilities.
  • Max Blox Fruit – Since Magma Fruit is your primary source of damage, investing in this stat will make your attacks more effective.
Visit Roblox Blox Fruit Store

Even though this is the ideal build, if you don’t have every item, just having Magma Fruit awakened with good stat points is enough to contribute effectively.

At first, it might be confusing where to even begin attacking, but the key to defeating the Leviathan lies in breaking its tail.

The Leviathan has multiple tails, and to deal damage to its main body, you need to destroy them first.

  • You can spot the shadow of the tail beneath the water, and it is linked to a yellow health bar—this acts as the Leviathan’s shield.
  • Only after breaking the tail can you start dealing damage to the Leviathan itself.
  • Every time a tail is destroyed, it drops Leviathan Scales, which are crucial for crafting and upgrades.

As the battle progresses, it’s clear that this raid boss is no joke. Everyone is working together, focusing fire on one of the tails, and after a few minutes, the first tail is finally destroyed. The reward? Four Leviathan Scales.

Before getting too comfortable, it’s time to find the next tail. The battle keeps moving at a rapid pace:

  • The second tail is already at half health, and with everyone attacking at full force, it goes down in record time.
  • More Leviathan Scales drop, adding to the loot pile.
  • This is one of the hardest raid bosses, yet the team is melting through it so fast that it barely has a chance to fight back.

But then, something unexpected happens—there’s another tail.

“How many tails does this thing have?!”

At this point, it feels like the Leviathan has an endless number of tails, but there’s no turning back now. Ultimate abilities are unleashed, damage numbers are flying across the screen, and the Leviathan is weakening.

Now that most of its tails are destroyed, the real fight begins. The Leviathan is no longer just taking hits—it’s fighting back with insane abilities.

  • Blizzard Tornadoes start forming, knocking players out of the sky.
  • The Leviathan sends out massive shockwaves, making it difficult to stay in one place.
  • Players are getting tossed around, struggling to regain control.

At this point, dodging is just as important as attacking. Even with the Shark Race, there’s a risk of getting stunned and turned into an ice cube.

With the Leviathan’s health down to a quarter, victory is within reach.

  • The team unleashes everything they have left.
  • Special moves, ultimates, and abilities pound into the boss.
  • The Leviathan is desperate, summoning even more icy storms and tornadoes.

The Final Blow and the Leviathan’s Heart

Then, with one last attack, the Leviathan finally falls. But the fight isn’t over just yet. There’s one final, critical task: stealing the Leviathan’s Heart.

Without the Leviathan’s Heart, the entire mission would be a waste—this item is needed to unlock the new fighting style and other powerful upgrades.

As soon as the Leviathan dies, chaos erupts again—a Blox Fruit spawns at the same time. But the main focus remains on securing the heart, ensuring that the quest can continue.

The Frozen Heart Quest

After defeating the Leviathan, the next phase of the quest begins—the Frozen Heart Quest. This part of the journey is just as important because it leads to unlocking the Sanguine Art Fighting Style, one of the most powerful combat techniques in Blox Fruits.

However, transporting the Frozen Heart is no easy task, and if anything goes wrong, all the effort could go to waste.

As soon as the Leviathan is defeated, a new quest notification appears:

"New Quest Available – Open your Compass to obtain the Heart."

The objective is clear: Capture the Frozen Heart. Fortunately, it’s right in front of you, but now the challenge is getting it back safely.

Transporting the Frozen Heart

Now that the Frozen Heart has been located, it’s time to find a boat to transport it. Since the Beast Hunter Boat was used to get here, it’s the best choice for the return trip. However, there’s a small problem—the boat is frozen in ice.

  • The team waits for the ice to melt.
  • After a brief moment, the boat unfreezes, and it’s ready for use again.
  • Harpoons are brought out to help secure the Frozen Heart for transport.

One crew member successfully grabs the Frozen Heart, securing it for the journey back. The Frozen Heart must be transported all the way back to Tiki Island. This is where things get tricky—if the boat sinks or the team dies along the way, the Frozen Heart is lost, and the Sanguine Art fighting style will not be unlocked.

At first, things seem calm. The boat is at full health, and there doesn’t appear to be any immediate danger. However, experience has taught that things can change in an instant.

"Everything seems fine… at least until a bunch of mobs spawn in and try to take us out."

And just as expected, enemies appear, attempting to destroy the boat and steal the heart. Now, the goal is to keep the boat from sinking and survive until reaching Tiki Island.

  • The enemies attack from all directions, trying to slow down the journey.
  • The boat crew fights back, defending the Frozen Heart at all costs.
  • The goal is to reach Tiki Island as quickly as possible before any major damage occurs.

With persistence, the team fights off the attackers and successfully reaches Tiki Island, completing the transport mission.

Claiming the Leviathan Heart

Once at Tiki Island, the final step is to turn in the Frozen Heart. A special message appears, confirming the successful completion of the quest:

"Obtained Leviathan Heart (1x)."

This is a mythical material, making it one of the rarest and hardest-to-get items in the game.

Now, with the Leviathan Heart in hand, it’s time for the next major step—unlocking the Sanguine Art fighting style.

Unlocking Sanguine Art

To unlock Sanguine Art, the journey continues. Surprisingly, the place to learn this powerful fighting style is hidden deep inside a prison cell.

  • Following the path, the team arrives at a secret area under the map.
  • A mysterious NPC is found inside.
  • To learn the fighting style, two resources are needed:
    • 5,000,000 Beli
    • 5,000 Fragments

After paying the cost, the Sanguine Art fighting style is unlocked, which is arguably one of the best, if not the best fighting style in Blox Fruits right now.

Leviathan Hunting Strategies & Tips

Now that you have the right build, it’s time to go over the best strategies to spawn, fight, and defeat the Leviathan as efficiently as possible.

To summon a Leviathan, you need at least five or more players. Unlike other sea events like the Sea Beast, the Leviathan does not spawn instantly. Instead, it first spawns the Frozen Dimension, where you need to interact with an NPC who will teleport you to the Leviathan fight.

While it is possible to spawn the Frozen Dimension with fewer than five players, the NPC will not summon a Leviathan, making it a complete waste of time.

If you want to spawn the Leviathan quickly, it is recommended to have six to seven players, but no more than that. If you only have five players and one dies before the Frozen Dimension spawns, you will have to reset the process since only four players remain, which will make it impossible to continue.

While bribing the Spy NPC is not mandatory, it significantly increases the chances of spawning the Frozen Dimension, making it a highly recommended step in the process. To maximize efficiency, you should also ignore all sea events except the Terror Shark, as it provides the best setup for spawning the Leviathan quickly.

Many players claim to have alternative methods for increasing Leviathan spawn rates, but most of these are simply myths or misinformation.

When the Leviathan fight begins, make sure to attack the same segment as other players. This is crucial for maximizing damage and rewards. If players are attacking different parts of the Leviathan, the fight will take much longer, and you might not earn as many rewards as you could.

Another key factor is that you must contribute at least 10% of the total damage to the Leviathan to receive any rewards. If you fail to meet this damage threshold, you will walk away empty-handed despite participating in the battle.

If your goal is to secure the Leviathan Heart, make sure to use the Beast Hunter Boat. This is the only way to obtain the heart, as other boats will not allow you to capture it.

As the Leviathan’s health drops to around 30,000 HP, one player should begin searching for the boat ahead of time. The Leviathan Heart despawns within a minute if it is not captured in time, so delaying this step can cause you to lose your chance at obtaining it.

To successfully capture the Leviathan Heart, you need to use a Harpoon and aim it directly at the heart. If done correctly, the heart will not despawn, giving you time to transport it safely.

After securing the heart, you must sail to Tiki Outpost to complete the mission and officially obtain the Leviathan Heart.

The Frozen Dimension can technically be spawned in Danger Levels 4 or 5, but the chances of it appearing are incredibly low. For the best results, you should go directly to Danger Level 6, where the Leviathan has the highest spawn rate.

By following these strategies, you will be able to spawn the Leviathan quickly, defeat it efficiently, and secure valuable rewards like the Leviathan Heart with ease.

Take On The Leviathan

If you’re having a tough time beating the Leviathan, we highly suggest doing a bit of level grinding on Blox Fruits first. Those extra levels are going to be useful for the fight with this giant.

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