Best Capes in OSRS

02.09.2024 - 14:14:19
Game Guides , Runescape

Best Capes in OSRS

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Looking to round out your build in OSRS? If you are, then it might be time to start checking out some of the best capes in the game. We’ve found a list of the best OSRS capes so that you can focus on getting them as early as possible.

Best Capes OSRS Overall

First off, we’re going to talk about the best capes in the game overall. These ones have practical use outside of Skilling and they’re essentially best in slot for many scenarios.

Max Cape



The first cape that we wanted to talk about is the Max Cape. The Max Cape is available to players who have attained level 99 in all skills, meaning a player who has done that would most likely already have all of the skill capes. The cape is sold for 2.2 million gold or 999,000 coins for each of the 23 skills, and you need 2,277,000 total to access and talk to him.

The minimum amount of experience that a player needs to even acquire those level 99s in all skills is 300 million. It has similar stats to any other trimmed skill cape and plus four prayer. The reason that the skill cape probably has 9 in everything is to commemorate players who've gotten 99 in a skill.

What makes the Max Cape so different from other skill capes is that it inherits all the skill cape perks from other skill capes. This gives the Max Cape an insane amount of utility. A player with a Max Cape can use the Construction Cape perk to teleport straight to their home; they can use the Crafting Cape perk to teleport straight to the Crafting Guild, which is very conveniently close to a bank.

There's also the Farming skill cape perk, which lets you teleport straight to the Farming Guild. If we can spend this whole guide talking about all the different perks that the Max Cape has, then it would be a video just about the Max Cape.

Fire Cape/Infernal Cape

The next two capes are the Fire Cape and the Infernal Cape, two of the best capes when you're using melee and the only capes, alongside their Max Cape variants, to have an animation when you wear them.



To get a Fire Cape or the Infernal Cape, you need to go to TzHaar-Ket and go under the volcano. After fighting hundreds of monsters over 60 waves, players can obtain the Fire Cape. You can even sacrifice the Fire Cape for a chance of beating The Inferno.

Players often spend hours trying to get their first Fire Cape and weeks or months trying to get an Infernal Cape, making achieving one an iconic experience in the eyes of most players.

Ardy Cloak

The next cape on this list is actually a cloak: the Ardy Cloak. Because of how hard it is to say the name, we're just going to say Ardy. The Ardy Cloak is one of the only capes in the game with a unique teleport animation. The Ardy Cloak has different utility depending on the level of the achievement diary that the player has completed.



After completing the easy diary, players unlock Ardy Cloak 1, which has mediocre stats but incredible utility. Players can get as many of them as they want by talking to Two Pints at the Flying Horse Inn, and it gives a player a teleport to the western side of the RuneScape continent at a low level without any runes or limitations on how they can use it.

Normally, a player would have to get 51 Magic to teleport to Ardy, but after completing the easy diary, most low-level players or ironmen will use this teleport instead. The cloak also teleports a player near a fairy ring, making it useful for midgame players as well who have a Dramen staff and have unlocked fairy rings.

After getting an Ardy Cloak 2 or better, players also gain a teleport to a farming site with an herb patch, two allotments, and a flower patch, which is pretty close to Ardougne, although it can only be used three times per day. With the medium diary, the cloak gives unlimited teleports. Once you reach Ardy Cloak 4, it's also worth noting that the stats increase respectably as it changes from Tier 1 to Tier 4.

Ava’s Accumulator/Assembler



The next item on this list is actually a backpack, not a cape, but it's worn in the cape slot, so for all intents and purposes, it's a cape, and it makes the list. Ava's Accumulator and Ava's Assembler are obtained from completing Animal Magnetism and talking to Ava with specific items in your inventory. If you have 75 steel arrows and 999 coins, you can obtain the Accumulator, an item that picks up arrows as they're fired while using Ranged.

If you've beaten Dragon Slayer 2, you can take one of these accumulators and Vorkath's head in order to obtain Ava's Assembler. Normally, arrows drop on the floor and can be bothersome to pick up while fighting monsters. A lot of people believe that all your arrows are picked up as soon as you have an Accumulator, but that's not true. 72% of arrows are retrieved, 8% are dropped on the floor, and 20% of the arrows that you have are just lost upon impact.

But with Ava's Assembler, players keep 80% of their arrows and 20% are lost, making it an 8% increase if you use Vorkath's head on your Accumulator. When they are attached to the Max Cape, they give the same bonuses that the backpack would have given.

Imbued God Capes

The next two capes on the list are the Imbued God Capes: Saradomin, Guthix, and Zamorak. The Imbued God Capes can be obtained by beating Mage Arena 2, which is a mini-quest in the Wilderness that requires the casting of God spells on the standard spellbook.



These capes give an incredible amount of magic offense, magic defense, and a 2% boost to magic damage.

Obsidian Cape

Lastly, we have the honorable mention: the Obsidian Cape or Obby Cape. Having the same stats as a skill cape without any prior requirements means that if a player simply went to the Grand Exchange and purchased one, they'd have some pretty decent stats in the cape slot. A lot of players use this cape before obtaining some of the other capes on this list.



Best Skilling Capes

The next category is for Useful Capes, capes you should definitely wear when training.

Thieving Cape



Starting with the Thieving Cape, it gives you an additional 10% chance of successfully pickpocketing NPCs, and it also stacks with the medium and hard Ardougne diary. This is useful post-99 experience when training at, let’s say, the TzHaar area, but most importantly, it will be a huge boost for people looking for blood shards and crystal seeds when pickpocketing vyres and elves, respectively.

The cape also has an extremely niche use for quicker Challenge Mode Chambers, as a level boost can help a little bit on the thieving room. A nice buff to it would be providing one or two teleports to important training areas, even though you can already reach these places rather quickly.

Or maybe make it like the Smithing Cape so that when wearing it, the cape works as Rogue's Gloves, allowing you to wear Ice Gloves when pickpocketing TzHaar.

Slayer Cape



We all love a little bit of Slayer, right? In fact, we bet a lot of you know what the perk of this cape actually is. When wearing it, or even when it's in your inventory after you're done with a task, you have a 10% chance of receiving the same target when talking to a Slayer Master.

This becomes especially useful when hunting for a unique drop from a boss you can do on a Slayer task or even boss-specific tasks where you can try your luck at some great loot.

This is basically the Unnatural Selection relic from Leagues II, and we hope to see it return for Leagues IV as of the time of writing. It would be an insanely nice incentive to reach level 99 because, at this level, you’re pretty much looking for extra profit.

Hitpoints Cape

The Hitpoints Cape sounds a little underpowered on paper, but it's a great item to take to places where you need a little bit of HP regeneration. The effect makes it so your HP heals twice as fast, and it even stacks with a Regen Bracelet to recover HP at four times the normal rate. However, it doesn't stack with Rapid Heal because 8x HP regeneration sounds a little bit bonkers.



A simple buff to the cape could involve food: when wearing it, food could heal you for even more, depending on what you’re eating. At level 99, you should already have high stats to stick with high-level food like Sharks and Anglerfish, so why not bump these to 22 and 24, respectively?

On the other hand, we could make it so that when wearing it, your max HP goes to anywhere between 102 and 105 for higher healing.

Prayer Cape



When wearing the Prayer Cape, it acts as a Holy Wrench. What does a Holy Wrench do exactly? When in your inventory, you gain extra prayer points when sipping on Prayer Potions, Super Restores, and Sanfew Serums. The formula for this is honestly a little weird, but you won’t gain more than two extra prayer points per dose of your potion.

This is a great cape if you’re AFKing with prayer-enhancing gear for your Slayer trips. To incentivize the use of the cape, it could inherit the effects of a Bonecrusher and Ash Sanctifier, granted you have them in the bank and, of course, have charges to make use of their effect.

Either that, or it could have a chance to save charges of set items when you have them in your inventory. With this effect, we would definitely bring it to our AFK Slayer trips, camping protection prayers.

Cooking Cape

By far the easiest skill in the entire game, Cooking features a perk that sounds extremely bland on paper. When wearing the Cooking Cape, you will never burn food anywhere in the game. Even if you cook an Anglerfish at a fire made with Firemaking, your success rate will always stay at 100%.



One of the effects is that you have a 5% chance of doubling your cooked food. So, if we’re talking about a small addition to the Cooking Cape, it could copy this ability and provide a small chance of doubling food when cooking. It could definitely come in handy for more profit per hour.

Runecrafting Cape

Runecrafting is a favorite skill in the game, this cape is absolutely insane when we are talking post-99. When wearing it, you don’t need a talisman when entering a runecrafting altar, and your pouches will never degrade. We can’t stress enough how great the perk is if you’re looking for extra profit through the skill or by playing the best minigame in the history of Old School RuneScape, Guardians of the Rift.



We like the skill and the cape so much that this would be the first instance of us saying that these perks honestly make the cape extremely good. But if we could add anything else to it, maybe give it a certain number of teleports to runecrafting altars every day.

It would need a cap to avoid giving people insane XP and profit per hour, but teleports to each of the altars would be extremely useful for clue scrolls or overall traveling.

Ranged Cape

If you attach a Vorkath’s Head to the Ranged Cape, it's going to act as an Ava’s Assembler. The only difference is that you keep the stats of the skill cape and not the offensive stats of the assembler. Honestly, you lose just one max hit, and the prayer bonus from the skill cape is more useful in a lot of places, like Hydra, the God Wars Dungeon, and much more.



We think the range cape is in a pretty good spot, so maybe just giving it unlimited teleports to the Ranging Guild would be more than enough.

Giving it an even higher chance of saving ammunition to make it more competitive with the assembler sounds a little weird.

Crafting Cape



The Crafting Cape sits here because it has two simple functions. It provides unlimited teleports to the Crafting Guild, which, at the time of making this video, is arguably the best to teleport near a bank. Two, you can use the bank without the need of the hard Falador diary. Both are great and definitely worth the investment to get to level 99 crafting, no matter how expensive it is.

We can think of two buffs to this cape: One, make it so if you have the cape in the bank, you can enter the Crafting Guild if you accidentally leave and don’t have a brown apron with you. Two, make it count as unlimited thread when wearing it so we can finally make seven dragonhide bodies per inventory.

Either that, or being able to store one mold in the cape to act as if you have it in the inventory to make jewelry, for example.

Farming Cape

The runner-up spot belongs to the Farming Cape, and as long as you go on farm runs for either profit as a main account or experience as an Ironman, this is an item you will always have on your back 100% of the time. It gives an increased chance at more crops from herb patches, and it even stacks with the Magic Secateurs. It also provides unlimited teleports to the Farming Guild, which is also near a bank.



The only thing we can think of when buffing this already powerful cape would be to maybe give it an option for you to be able to harvest clean herbs and give you the respective Herblore experience when doing so.

Some people may rather keep their herbs because they're more expensive, and this would only save a few seconds for players who already plan to make their own potions when harvesting herbs.

Construction Cape



The best Skill cape in the game is Construction, and level 99 is well worth the investment. The cape doesn’t have any passive effects, but it provides unlimited teleports to your POH as well as every POH portal in the game, which goes up to nine, including the POH portal where your house is located.

We’ll just say that we love this cape so much that we don’t really have a single proposed change to it. It already has insane utility, so giving it an effect for more experience or even chances at saving resources just doesn’t sound fair. It could, however, give you the chance of having a butler in your house without the need of building two rooms.

Trouble Getting These Capes?

If you’re experiencing any serious trouble when getting any of these capes, don’t be afraid to reach out to us at RPG Stash for help. We’ve got some of the best capes on this list and you can get it easily.

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