Best AFK OSRS Woodcutting Methods in OSRS: Efficient Training Tips

10.03.2025 - 21:18:24
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS Skills & Skilling , Runescape

Best AFK OSRS Woodcutting Methods in OSRS: Efficient Training Tips

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Woodcutting in Old School Runescape is one of the chillest skills that you can ever do in any game. You can grab an axe, click on a tree, and go do your work on your main monitor. Obviously there are ways to gain faster experience rates by focusing on the game… but who cares about that? Today, we are going to explore the best ways to AFK this amazing skill so you can focus on more important stuff!

If you are looking for a full Woodcutting guide, however, you can check out our OSRS Woodcutting Guide!

How to Properly AFK

To properly AFK on Runescape, you can either use your phone to login or use a second monitor for OSRS. If you are using your PC, however, you must use Runelite, as there is a plugin that will help you massively. The name of that plugin is Idle Notifier. This plugin is automatically installed with Runelite, so you don’t have to search for it. From the plugin menu, you can customize this plugin to give you sound, message, and, most importantly, flash notifications.


We recommend turning the flash notifications on as it will flash your client whenever you stop doing an action, easily notifying you that you are wasting experience!

AFK Woodcutting Guide 1-99


We are not going to go over every little detail about this skill in this guide, but as a friendly reminder:

  • Always use the best axe you have access to, preferably a felling axe.
  • Purchase a log basket whenever possible as it will greatly increase your AFK time.
  • You can use the dragon axe special attack if you have level 60 Attack.
  • You can get a full lumberjack set for extra experience.
  • Always bring along your forestry kit with forester's rations. These rations will give your felling axe a 10% experience boost for each successful chop and a 20% chance to not receive a log, which makes AFKing better.
  • You can bring a light bearer to use your special attack more often.
  • You can alternatively use an infernal axe to AFK more by getting a chance to burn logs and gain Firemaking experience at the same time.
  • Cutting a tree with multiple people is beneficial as it boosts your Woodcutting level by up to +7. This boost is invisible.

Levels 1-15/26


Unfortunately, there is no way to AFK this skill until you reach level 15. So you have 2 options: either you can chop down a bunch of regular trees until you reach level 15, or you can do 4 easy quests to directly increase your woodcutting to level 26. If you choose the quest route, here are the quests that you will need to complete.

  • Monk's Friend
  • Enlightened Journey
  • Icthlarin's Little Helper
  • Recipe for Disaster - Skrach Uglogwee subquest

Levels 15-35 Oak Trees


Oak trees will mark the start of our AFKing journey. At these levels, the trees will be cut down pretty fast but respawn pretty fast as well. You will have maybe a 30-second AFK period at these levels. The best way to cut Oak trees is to log in to a Forestry world and head to Draynor Village. You can find some oaks near the bank.

Levels 35-45 Teak Trees


We are skipping over willow trees as they are slower than the oaks and get chopped down at the same 30 second rate. Teak trees are also chopped down in 30 seconds, but they provide better experience rates compared to willows. Common locations where people cut these trees are:

  • Ape Atoll (You can even 2-tick them here via aggroing the birds if you want to)
  • Isle of souls
  • Prifddinas

Levels 45-60 Maple Trees


At level 45, we are going to switch to the maple trees as our objective is to AFK as long as possible. There are many maple trees spread across the world and you can pick any you prefer. These trees provide better AFK rates as they get chopped down in 60 seconds, so we are up to a minute of AFK time. Common locations where people chop maples are as follows:

  • Seers' Village
  • Isle of Souls
  • Corsair Cove Resource Area
  • Watson's house
  • Woodcutting Guild (Requires level 60 Woodcutting to enter)

Level 60-75 Yew Trees


At level 60, we have some big unlocks. The first one is the dragon axe, the second one is the Woodcutting guild, and the third one is yews! Yews take 114 seconds to chop down and are right next to a bank in the Woodcutting guild. However, in the Woodcutting guild, you can't get forestry events, so if you are interested in those, you can check the following locations:

  • Seers' Village
  • Edgeville
  • Varrock castle
  • Prifddinas

Level 75-90 Magic Trees


We have reached the second best tree to AFK, magic trees. These trees take a full 3 minutes and 54 seconds to chop down, meaning you can finally really stop paying attention to your screen and do something else. The best place to chop down these trees and AFK is inside the Woodcutting guild, as you can quickly use the bank next to the trees. If you are looking for those forestry events however, you can check the following locations:

  • West of Lletya
  • Tree Gnome Stronghold
  • Myths' Guild
  • Prifddinas

Level 90-99 Redwood Trees


We have reached the big daddy of OSRS AFKing, the redwood trees. These trees have a whopping 4 minutes and 24 seconds chop-down timer. You can seriously AFK this one. Redwood trees can only be found in the Woodcutting guild unless you plant them in your Farming guild's redwood patch. Combine this with a log basket, and a felling axe with food rations, and you can truly kick back and relax!

Happy AFKing!

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