10 Best SSF Builds in PoE 3.25

09.08.2024 - 06:36:01
Game Guides , Path of Exile , POE build guides

10 Best SSF Builds in PoE 3.25

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Are you bored of the trade league in Path of Exile and are looking to try SSF in the 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League? If so, you have come to the right place!

In this guide, we will give you our top picks for builds that you can run comfortably in a Solo Self-Found environment. 

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What is SSF?

Before anything, what is SSF? In Path of Exile, "SSF" stands for Solo Self-Found. This is a separate league that you can participate in when you create a new character.

Having said that, what is the major difference between SSF and the trade league? Well, as you can tell, playing in an SSF environment means that you cannot initiate trades with other players, hence the "Solo Self-Found" moniker.

This is ideal for those who want to be challenged, particularly when looking for gear. If you are still new to PoE, we recommend that you try the trade league first to get yourself acquainted with the game's mechanics.

What Makes a Build Ideal for SSF?

If this is your first foray into ARPGs, "builds" refer to a combination of items, passive skills, and skill gems. In Path of Exile, you can also choose ascendancy classes that have notable passives that can complement a build.

For example, the Deadeye is great for projectile-based skill gems primarily because this ascendancy class gives you access to additional projectiles and increased effect of Mark skills.

Aside from that, the Juggernaut is an ascendancy class that is great for more defensive builds but can be adjusted to have a bit more offense as well.

That said, for a build to be viable for SSF, it has to work without all of the complicated and very rare items in the game. Items such as the Headhunter and Mageblood may take any build in Path of Exile to the next level, but they are mostly out of reach for the vast majority of players. This is why such builds are not great for the Solo Self-Found League.

In addition, good SSF builds are those that can work with the pieces of gear that you collect along the way. Besides that, if they require some crafted equipment, you can easily do that by using some Essences and Fossils.

Because you are going to rely on yourself to farm gear, Solo Self-Found builds should be able to clear maps relatively well. It would also help if they could do so with a minimal investment since resources are scarce in this specific environment.

While not particularly mandatory, SSF builds need to be a bit tanky, especially since you are going to take on some endgame bosses to unlock the Atlas Keystones all by yourself.

In Patch 3.25, Grinding Gear Games has done a massive balancing pass on almost all melee skill gems, which resulted in an influx of melee builds in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur.

That said, since you are not playing in the trade league, it is imperative that you use a build that can finish the labyrinth without dying.


Now that you know what constitutes a good SSF build in Path of Exile, it is important to lay down some ground rules before we give you our top picks.

The builds that are going to be highlighted in this guide are arranged in no particular order. We at RPGStash feel that all of these are competent enough to be played in a Solo Self-Found environment. It all really boils down to your playstyle and what skill gems you want to use.

Even though some builds are fast mappers or much tankier than others, their inclusion on this list tells you that they are a cut above the rest.

So, without further ado, here are the 10 best SSF builds in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League:

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Best SSF Builds in 3.25

Righteous Fire Chieftain

Righteous Fire

Righteous Fire has been a long-time staple in Path of Exile. This is due to the fact that it has a relatively safe and comfortable playstyle, where you just zoom around the map and see enemies die a fiery death.

In the previous version of our best SSF builds in PoE, we recommended the Inquisitor as the best ascendancy class for the job. This is primarily because of the change in the way Righteous Fire calculates damage now, with the base fire damage removed in favor of higher scaling from HP/energy shield late in the game.

The Inquisitor has incredible nodes that synergize really well with RF, including Sanctuary, Pious Path, Augury of Penitence, and Righteous Providence. While this ascendancy class is still pretty viable, it has been trumped by the Chieftain in the Settlers of Kalguur expansion.

If you're wondering why that is, the Chieftain is pretty tanky thanks to its ascendancy nodes, Tasalio and Valako. These two help you achieve a 90% fire resistance faster than the Inquisitor ever could, especially if you have a limited amount of PoE currency to work with.

In terms of offense, you could take Hinekora, Death's Fury. This causes enemies you kill to explode, dealing a huge amount of fire damage based on 500% of their maximum life. Additionally, there's Ramako, Sun's Light — a notable passive skill available to the Chieftain that reduces the enemy's resistance to fire damage when you're stationary for a couple of seconds.

While you could argue that the Inquisitor offers better results offensively in the endgame, the Righteous Fire Chieftain is still a much better choice, particularly when talking about a build that you can run comfortably in an SSF environment.

Boneshatter Juggernaut


If you like to do deep Delves in Path of Exile, we highly recommend the Boneshatter Juggernaut. When you use this character and equip it with the right pieces of gear, you can comfortably do deep delving runs without an issue. You can go as high as 2,000 depth with self-found gear, though you'd have to make the necessary upgrades along the way to make that happen.

Although you can go for the Slayer ascendancy class when using Boneshatter, we recommend the Juggernaut if you are going to play in the SSF league. The reason is that this ascendancy class performs better with self-found gear as opposed to the Slayer. On top of that, the notable passive skills available to the Juggernaut just scale better in the endgame.

Undeniable is a node that not only grants a huge boost to your accuracy rating, but also increases your attack speed based on the total amount of accuracy that you have on your character. With this node, stacking as much STR as you can increases your accuracy rating significantly, so you are really hitting two birds with one stone here.

Unbreakable is an amazing node to take. This notable passive skill doubles the value of your equipped body armor. Unbreakable has been readjusted a bit in Patch 3.25. Instead of mitigating elemental damage, a portion of your armor now reduces the chaos damage you take from hits. Anyway, the increased armor provided by Unbreakable is a godsend for the Boneshatter Juggernaut, mainly because of the skill’s self-damaging component.

Speaking of which, Boneshatter is an attack skill gem in Path of Exile that deals more damage every time you hit an enemy with it. In fact, Boneshatter is now more devastating than ever since the effectiveness of base and added damage has increased from 250% to 338% in PoE 3.25.

Unfortunately, Boneshatter has an ugly downside in that you also receive physical damage with every use, which gets more damaging as you accrue more stacks of Trauma. The good news is that there are steps to address the self-damaging mechanic of this skill gem.

For one, you put as many physical damage reduction mods on your gear. This mod naturally rolls on armor-based equipment, such as the Titan Gauntlets, Glorious Plate, and Titan Greaves. This is even more pronounced in the Settlers of Kalguur expansion, especially with the introduction of higher armor bases, such as the Titan Plate, Legion Plate, and Royal Plate.

Additionally, you can roll the mod "% Damage Taken Recouped as Life" on some of your items so that you get a portion of your life back every time you hit an enemy with Boneshatter.

The Boneshatter Juggernaut can work with items that you can find on your adventures in Wraeclast. But, there are some unique items that provide tremendous value just by wearing them as well.

The Tanu Ahi grants you the ability to gain the Adrenaline and Onslaught buffs when the life leech effect is removed by filling your HP to the maximum. It also takes a small portion of your physical attack damage and uses that to calculate how much HP you can leech off of your enemies.

If you are going to go deep delving with this build, you can defeat Aul, the Crystal King for a chance to get Aul's Uprising. This amulet allows you to activate one aura for free, enabling you to add another permanent aura to the mix. You can encounter Aul in the Primeval Ruins biome in the Azurite Mine.

For the weapon, you can opt for a two-handed axe, preferably the Despot Axe as a crafting base. This is because this particular axe has the highest physical damage and attack speed among the other bases. Use Shrieking/Deafening Essence of Contempt until you get three physical damage mods, accuracy, and some attack speed. You can refer to our ultimate crafting guide to learn how to craft the endgame axe for this build.

There are some relatively common unique belts that can help improve the damage of this build as well. The Magnate gives you a small chance of dealing triple damage when attacking with Boneshater. This is pretty insane considering that this build naturally has high attack speed!

Ryslatha's Coil is another great option. This unique belt essentially increases the damage range of your attacks. Moreover, it provides an increase to your physical damage, as well as some life to increase your survivability.

The Boneshatter Juggernaut is one of the only builds that we recommend in an SSF environment. This build is tanky, deals significant damage, and can beat whatever content you put it through!

Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator

Lacerate of Haemorrhage

The Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator is a new entry on this list. The build is now included here primarily because of the insane damage buff it received in Patch 3.25. If you're unaware, this Transfigured Gem has its effectiveness of base and added damage increased from a measly 120% to a whopping 346%!

As you can tell by its name, this build relies on a Transfigured Gem that deals more damage with bleeding. This is complemented by the newly reworked Gladiator for insane results!

Let's talk about the notable ascendancy passive skills. Gratuitous Violence makes enemies affected by your bleeds explode upon death, dealing 20% of their maximum life as physical damage to nearby monsters. This helps you clear map monsters with ease even if you do not have good gear yet.

Then, you have the new Jagged Technique node. To understand why this is amazing, you have to first know how bleeds work in PoE. You see, every time you hit a monster and deal physical damage, you have a chance to inflict bleeds. Bleed is a status ailment that deals 70% of physical damage over time based on the attack that caused it. If the affected target moves, the damage is increased to 210%. The huge jump in damage can only be obtained when a certain condition is met, though when you're playing, this isn't always achieved. That is where Jagged Technique comes in.

Jagged Technique makes it so that the bleeds inflicted upon a target deal damage as though the target is moving. In other words, the said status ailment always deals 210% damage regardless if the target is moving or not.

In PoE Solo Self-Found, you want a relatively tanky character that does not require a huge investment. The Gladiator happens to be one of the ascendancy classes that can achieve that, mainly from a couple of defense-oriented passive skills.

The first is Determined Survivor, which enhances the block chance of your equipped shield by a significant amount. The second is "More Than Skill" — an ascendancy node that makes your chance to block attacks or spells "Lucky." This just means that between two outcomes, the higher number is always chosen.

Although Lacerate of Haemorrhage has a rather small AoE that only affects the area in front of you, the bleed explosions caused by Gratuitous Violence still result in faster map clear.

If you are looking for a well-balanced character that can work on a minimal budget and has the power to destroy enemies with powerful bleeds, then the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator will not disappoint!

Earthshatter Berserker


Slam skills are quite popular in Patch 3.25 because almost all of them received some pretty significant damage boosts. One of the most popular slam skills in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur is Earthshatter and it is probably because of its inherent mechanics.

For those who don't know, Earthshatter is a skill that prompts you to slam the ground, causing rectangular fissures to move outward, with spikes popping out at the end of their movement. What's interesting about this is that you can cause these spikes to shatter either by performing another slam or using a warcry. The shattered spikes also deal damage, albeit 30% less damage from the original.

Having said that, the Berserker is the preferred ascendancy class for this skill due to the ascendancy nodes that buff its damage in various ways. Most of that power comes from Rage — a temporary resource that has also been reworked by GGG in the Settlers of Kalguur expansion.

To put it simply, Rage now provides more damage at the cost of not having any bonuses to attack or movement speed. That said, the Berserker's "Crave the Slaughter" node brings that attack speed back, giving you 1% aspd per point of Rage. Besides that, this node makes the inherent loss of Rage start a couple of seconds after not attacking a target.

Rite of Ruin increases the effect of Rage, which translates to more power. Even though you lose a bit of HP per second while you are not losing Rage, this can easily be rectified by life regeneration mods on gear.

Slam skills benefit greatly from warcries. This is because warcry skills cause your attacks to be "exerted." This essentially improves your slam attacks with various effects depending on the warcry that was used.

For example, Intimidating Cry makes your exerted attacks deal double damage. This build does not feel clunky to play at all because GGG has introduced a support gem called Autoexertion that automatically casts the warcries it is linked to.

So basically, you just run around, slam the ground with Earthshatter, and let Autoexertion handle your warcries.

Of course, you have the option of adding more warcries as well. In total, you could use five or six different warcry skills to enhance the capabilities of this build!

All of this is to say that the Earthshatter Berserker has a lot of power on its own, so you can make this build work with mostly self-found gear.

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Lightning Strike Warden

Lightning Strike

In case you're not aware, the Raider ascendancy class has been deleted from the face of PoE. It is replaced with the Warden, which was inspired by the Warden of the Maji from a couple of leagues ago.

What makes the Warden special is that it can utilize Tinctures to a much greater extent. Enduring Suffusion is an ascendancy node that allows Tincture Effects to linger for several seconds depending on the stacks of Mana Burn that you have.

Tinctures are very powerful and that's why you could only apply one on your melee weapon. With the Warden's "Experienced Herbalist" node, you can use an additional Tincture, making your character hit harder than ever!

That said, the Lightning Strike skill gem, like most other melee skill gems in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur, has its damage increased considerably. To take it up a notch, the Warden also has passive skills that improve elemental damage.

Oath of Spring allows you to apply up to 50 stacks of Shock on the enemy, thus making them more susceptible to damage from all sources. Then, you have Avatar of the Wilds, which is a buff that you can activate that grants 80% more elemental damage for 10 seconds!

Because you do not have other players to trade with, you'd have to rely on equipment that you can find during the campaign and in maps. The good news is that if you do not have access to good gear just yet, you could simply use Barkskin for the time being.

Barkskin lets you harness the power of the forest to protect you from harm. At the start, you gain physical damage reduction the more bark you have on you. As it whittles down from taking hits, your evasion increases, allowing you to evade attacks more easily as a result.

Keep in mind that Barkskin requires you to reserve 10% of your mana, so you may have to take some mana reservation efficiency nodes on the passive tree to activate this without a hitch.

The Lightning Strike Warden is an interesting character; one that does not necessarily need gear to decimate monsters in PoE.

Ice Nova of Frostbolts Hierophant

Ice Nova of Frostbolts

This next build is a mana stacker that is able to utilize the said resource to deal huge amounts of damage.

The Ice Nova of Frostbolts Hierophant has a few different mechanics that make it a rather amusing build to play.

For one, you have Ice Nova of Frostbolts, which is a Transfigured Gem that can be cast directly on the projectiles created by Frostbolt. Basically, what happens here is that you cast Frostbolt to fire a series of projectiles.

After that, you use Ice Nova of Frostbolts on those projectiles so the damaging novas emerge from them as opposed to your character. Any mods that increase the area of effect of skills can widen the radius of the ice novas, causing more enemies to get hit.

This build employs a two-button playstyle until you get your hands on Kitava's Thirst. This helmet has a unique effect that triggers socketed spells after spending 100 Mana from using any other skill.

To ensure that you hit that high upfront cost, you will use Archmage Support. This essentially grants added lightning damage based on a chunk of your unreserved maximum mana. As you can tell, you stack as much mana as you can to boost the damage of this build. This is also precisely the reason why you go Hierophant because this ascendancy class has the "Divine Guidance" node that raises your maximum mana by 30% right off the bat.

When you've finished PoE's main campaign, you can start getting upgrades, such as a couple of self-crafted Profane Wands with increased cast speed, farming for Atziri's Foible to increase your mana, and using jewels that improve your mana and survivability.

It is worth noting that even though you're using a cold spell skill gem, the bulk of your power actually comes from the added lightning damage provided by Archmage Support.

With that said, do not be confused by the build's unique mechanics because it is surprisingly easy to play. When you have Kitava's Thirst, all you really need to do is cast Ice Nova of Frostbolts and everything will be set into motion.

So, if you are looking for an SSF build in PoE that has some interesting mechanics at play, then the Ice Nova of Frostbolts Hierophant is certainly a good choice.

Ground Slam of Earthshaking Slayer

Ground Slam of Earthshaking

Here we have another build that utilizes a slam skill; only this time, it uses the Slayer ascendancy class to do the job.

The Ground Slam of Earthshaking Slayer is an awesome build for SSF simply because this build does not require any mandatory items. All you really need to have this up and running is a two-handed axe and you should be good to go!

Grinding Gear Games has buffed the damage of Ground Slam of Earthshaking by twice the amount in Patch 3.25! If you are into numbers, the effectiveness of base and added damage of this skill has increased from 340% to 688%!

Because it is a slam skill, this build utilizes a number of warcry skills as well. Thankfully, most of them can be automatically triggered using Autoexertion, so you should only concern yourself with attacking enemies.

Having said that, the Slayer is an incredible ascendancy class in an SSF environment because it brings a lot of power to the table without the need for expensive stuff.

Impact not only increases the range of your attacks, but it also improves your damage based on the number of enemies surrounding you.

Bane of Legends buffs your damage by 10% every time you kill an enemy, while Headsman improves your attack speed when hitting rares or uniques.

Of course, this build allocates points to take Brutal Fervour, which allows you to leech life off of enemies, thus enhancing your survivability!

Take note that if you have been accustomed to fast-paced builds in Path of Exile, it may take time to get used to the slower attack speed of slam skills.

However, if that does not bother you, the Ground Slam of Earthshaking Slayer deals tremendous amounts of damage! This is surely one SSF build in PoE that can go a long way!

Spectral Shield Throw Gladiator

Spectral Shield Throw

The Gladiator has once again graced us with his presence in our best SSF builds in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur. This time, this build utilizes a ranged attack skill gem called Spectral Shield Throw.

Spectral Shield Throw (SST) also got a slight boost in damage in Patch 3.25. However, the shield that you hurl towards the enemy is just a catalyst. That's because your main damage dealer here is the bleeds that you will inflict upon your target.

You see, SST is the perfect skill to use here because the shield shatters when it comes into contact with an enemy, causing shards to hit more monsters in the process. This synergizes really well with the Gladiator's Gratuitous Violence node, which makes bleeding enemies explode when killed.

If you're not satisfied with the rate of inflicting bleeds upon your enemies, you can also use Bladestorm to aid you. This skill creates a storm of blades that has a 100% chance of inflicting bleed.

Now, the reason why the Spectral Shield Throw Gladiator is an awesome build for Solo Self-Found is that it is capable of eliminating huge packs of monsters without the need for special items. Furthermore, this build's defensive capabilities allow you to tank almost anything in the game, which is further improved once you get your hands on better equipment later down the line.

Frost Blades Trickster

Frost Blades

If you want a speedy character in Path of Exile that has enough power to destroy everything in its path, then the Frost Blades Trickster is one that is definitely worth considering.

This build makes use of the Frost Blades skill gem. Despite it being a projectile-based skill, Frost Blades is still considered a melee attack, likely because you are well within melee range when you use it.

Frost Blades got a hefty damage boost in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur. Back then, it was only capable of dealing 225% damage based on your equipped weapon. But now, that number has increased to 409%!

Anyway, the Trickster is an amazing ascendancy class when it comes to taking care of offense and defense. Frenzy Charges can help the build immensely because you get increased damage and attack speed for every charge. That is why the Swift Killer is a good notable passive skill to take, especially when you raise your Maximum Frenzy Charges from other sources.

One Step Ahead is a node that ensures you won't get slowed down by Temporal Chains, Maim, or other movement-reducing debuffs. This also reduces the action speed of nearby monsters to at most 92% of their base value.

Polymath is a notable passive skill exclusive to the Trickster that gets better as you progress through the campaign. That is because you get more damage for each different type of Mastery you have allocated. The life and mana recovery is a welcome bonus.

For the last ascendancy passive, you can go with either Heartstopper or Escape Artist. The former makes you take less damage every 10 seconds, while the latter increases the evasion rating and maximum energy shield based on your equipped helmet and body armor, respectively.

The gear for the Frost Blades Trickster is relatively easy to assemble, though there are some upgrades that you can take to elevate its damage even further.

Yoke of Suffering is a unique amulet that allows your damage to inflict Shock on the enemy. This is an elemental ailment that causes affected monsters to take increased damage from all sources.

The Taming can be acquired by using the vendor recipe, where you combine the three "Berek" rings, namely Berek's Grip, Berek's Pass, and Berek's Respite. The requisite rings can drop from anywhere, so you just have to run some maps until you get all three. When you have all of these, simply "sell" these items to a vendor so that it will result in The Taming ring.

This unique ring is just too hard to pass up. It gives you elemental resistance, elemental damage, chance to inflict freeze, shock, and ignite. Moreover, it increases your damage with hits and ailments per freeze, shock, and ignite on the enemy!

Another good unique item for the Frost Blades Trickster is the Heatshiver. It remains unchanged in Patch 3.25 in that it only gives you 30% of cold damage as extra fire damage against frozen enemies instead of the full 100%. Even though it saw a substantial dip in extra damage, the Heatshiver grants a damage boost without requiring items that are hard to find.

While not mandatory for the build to work, you can get a Lethal Pride Timeless Jewel too. This unique jewel drops from the Domain of Timeless Conflict, specifically from Queen Hyrri Ngamaku. You can enter this area by putting in the Orange Emblem on your Map Device.

The reason why you want to put a Lethal Pride on your passive tree is so that you get some STR attributes, as well as any of the following modifiers:

  • 5% Chance to Deal Double Damage
  • 4% Increased Maximum Life
  • 20% Increased Melee Damage
  • 30% Increased Melee Critical Strike Chance
  • +15% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier
  • Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage

This build also greatly benefits from the Awakened Multistrike Support gem. That is because you deal more damage with subsequent strikes. On top of that, your gaming mouse will love you for this simply because a single tap of the Frost Blades skill initiates three strikes in quick succession. That said, this particular support gem drops from The Maven or Uber Sirus. If you are going for the latter approach, be sure to allocate “The Perfect Storm” on your Atlas Skill Tree.

We can wholeheartedly recommend the Frost Blades Trickster in solo self found largely because it provides you with a good mix of offense and defense; not to mention that it is a particularly fast mapper, allowing you to farm items with ease!

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Power Siphon Trickster

Power Siphon

The last build on our list has a very comfortable playstyle that keeps you out of harm's way. The Power Siphon Trickster is a fast mapper that is capable of deleting screens of enemies with ease.

Unlike the other builds mentioned in this guide, the Power Siphon Trickster utilizes Power Siphon in a different way. Instead of manually casting it yourself, you are going to turn it into a Mine Skill with the help of Locus Mine Support.

Thanks to the support gem, you can throw a few mines in a targeted direction. Once detonated, the mines will create Power Siphon projectiles that travel toward you, hitting enemies that are caught within the crossfire.

The thing that you have to understand about this build is that the mines that you throw cannot be detonated when you are within three meters. This forces you to play safely, where positioning is the key to victory.

What we really like about the Power Siphon Trickster is that it is able to deal huge amounts of damage with gear that you can craft yourself. Start by crafting a good wand that has lightning damage and elemental penetration on it. After that, get your hands on some good gear to sort out your defenses.

Fortunately, Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur's main league mechanic allows you to acquire shipments that may sometimes obtain useful loot, so gearing is not going to be a problem.

If you want a build that deals huge amounts of damage, all while keeping you out of danger, then you will definitely love the Power Siphon Trickster!

SSF Tips

Because of the nature of SSF mode, you do not have the luxury of trading items with other players. That is why you should only opt into this mode if you are sure that you do not rely on others to get any items that you lack.

Aside from that, here are some tips to help make your SSF journey a lot easier:

Get More Stash Tabs

Although anything in the Path of Exile shop is optional, we highly recommend that you purchase additional stash tabs. Why? Since you do not have the luxury of interacting with other players like in the trade league, you should have the mindset of picking up all the good items that you can find. And, you can only do that if you have enough storage space!

You can buy the regular stash tabs since you are not going to trade anyway. If you have more money to spend, we recommend that you purchase the other stash tabs in this order:

  • Currency Stash
  • Map Stash
  • Fragments Stash
  • Essence Stash
  • Uniques Stash
  • Delirium Stash
  • Blight Stash

Use Good Loot Filters

Although they are not readily available in the game, you should use a loot filter to help you weed out all of the bad items. You can utilize FilterBlade's "Strict" loot filter and then transition to a better one later down the line. The "better" one, in this instance, refers to a much stricter loot filter that only displays potential upgrades that your build can use.

Be Comfortable with Crafting

Whether you like it or not, crafting is an essential part of Path of Exile. This is one of the only ways you can create items that are fit for your endgame gear. If you need some help, you can always refer to our ultimate crafting guide, which is a helpful resource for all things crafting in PoE.

Always Use the Horticrafting Station

The Horticrafting Station (aka the Harvest Bench) is an important thing that you need to interact with regularly. This object can be placed anywhere in your hideout. Anyway, the Harvest Bench can do a lot of things. You can use the Harvest Bench to add certain modifiers to your gear. You can utilize it to convert Essences to another type of Essence. And, it even gives you a chance to multiply your Divination Cards so that you can get your hands on a Headhunter or Mageblood a lot sooner than normal means. If you need to convert anything, you might want to pay the Horticrafting Station a visit.

Finish Some Blighted Maps

Blighted Maps are a great way to get your starter pieces of equipment. They also give you some oils that you can use for anointing your amulet with notable passive skills that can benefit your build. The good news is that you can use any build to finish Blighted Maps. You just have to set the right towers in order to defeat the waves of enemies that will come your way.

Do Some Grand Heists

Since you do not have other players to trade with, you should complete some Grand Heists as well. Doing so gives you a chance to acquire some pretty neat stuff, such as the Tailoring Orb, Expedition's End, and Replica Farrul's Fur, among many others.

Stick to a Farming Strategy

The beauty of Path of Exile is that you can choose whatever path you want depending on your preference. Take a close look at the Atlas Skill Tree and allocate points to improve the currency farming strategy you want to use.

Some of the most lucrative farming strategies in PoE include Delirium, Strongbox, Essence farming, and Legion encounters. If you have completed the corrupted red maps, you have enough points to enjoy at least two different currency-farming strategies.

It is best that you stick to one and then only replace it when you do not get the results that you want.

Choose the Right Secondary Ascendancy Class

Assuming that Grinding Gear Games makes the Wildwood Ascendancies permanent, your choice of secondary ascendancy class can make your SSF journey a lot easier. For most of the builds, the best one is the Wildwood Primalist mainly because this ascendancy class gives you access to three Charm sockets. The Charms are powerful items that grant you some amazing nodes that can benefit your build.

Early on, however, the Warden of the Maji is the ideal choice. The tinctures you can use allow you to complete white and yellow maps with relative ease. Furthermore, you can use the Barkskin skill to improve your survivability — useful whenever you are still starting out.

The Warlock of the Mists is only great for niche builds, so if you want something out of the ordinary, perhaps you can try this one for yourself.

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Try the Trade League First

The last tip we can give you is to try Path of Exile's trade league first. This is to give you a rough idea of how the game is played. Familiarize the mechanics, dabble into some crafting, and even take note of how bosses function so that you'll have a much easier time defeating them if you are all alone.

Remember, Solo Self-Found is meant for those who have a knack for challenging endeavors. This is not to say that you should not try it, but this is us saying that you should only do this if you are confident in farming items yourself.

Receive Shipments

Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur has a league mechanic that allows you to trade with other nations in exchange for some resources. After some time, the ships will return with valuable loot that you can use to gear up your character.

Of course, this requires you to make certain upgrades in Kingsmarch, as well as farm resources for trade. Although you have to put some work in, we still recommend that you engage with the league mechanic. Who knows, you might even get your hands on some incredible items!

Final Thoughts

The Solo Self-Found League in Path of Exile is not for the faint of heart, especially because you do not have other players to trade with. That is why it is always a good idea to use builds that can help you farm efficiently. Fortunately for you, we have provided you with the 10 best builds that you can try.

Our updated guide for Patch 3.25 highlights a lot of melee builds. That is because the damage of the primary skill gems they use has been buffed significantly.

Melee builds that use slam skills, such as the Earthshatter Berserker and the Ground Slam of Earthshaking Slayer, have the ability to dish out huge amounts of pain. If you’re planning to destroy bosses in PoE, you can certainly use these!

If you value builds that can clear entire screens of enemies, the Ice Nova of Frostbolts Hierophant, Power Siphon Trickster, and the Righteous Fire Chieftain are pretty good choices.

The Lightning Strike Warden is quite popular in the Settlers of Kalguur expansion, primarily because of the new ascendancy class. You can elevate your damage by using the appropriate Tinctures coupled with Avatar of the Wilds. You get all of that without the need for high-end gear. Isn't that amazing?

The Power Siphon Trickster and Spectral Shield Throw Gladiator allow you to play comfortably. These builds do not force you to go up close and personal with the enemy. Instead, you destroy them from a distance.

Although we acknowledge that SSF mode can be hard, we hope that you find our guide helpful. Be sure to bookmark this for future reference.

With all of that said, good luck on your adventures in Wraeclast, Exile!

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